This is my implementation of English to French machine translation using Encoder-Decoder Seq2Seq model in Keras, as a project for Udacity's Natural Language Processing Nanodegree (Course Page). Due to limited computing power of AWS EC2 instance that I used, I worked with a dataset of small vocabulary size (200~300 words).
At the end, the model was able to perfectly translate from an english sentence to a french sentence within the supplemented vocabulary.
This repository contains:
- data folder : contains english and french sentences dataset files
- : Complete code for building, training, and making inference from seq2seq model in Keras
- machine_translation_seq2seq.ipynb : step-by-step Jupyter Notebook for for building, training, and making inference from seq2seq model in Keras
- Batch Size = 1024
- Embedding Dimension = 200
- Number of hidden nodes in LSTM = 256
- Activation Function for encoder & decoder LSTM layer = ReLU
- Learning Rate = 0.002
- Number of Epochs = 16
I referenced the following sources for building & debugging the final model :
- Udacity's Natural Language Processing Nanodegree's workspace (Course Page)