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Media management

aureldent edited this page Nov 18, 2019 · 4 revisions

LumApps media management

In LumApps you can upload medias (pictures, documents ...) and find them under the media section in the admin panel.

An uploaded media can be used to illustrate a content, add as a thumbnail, be featured in a media-list widget...

Upload a new media via api

1 - Get you media as a python object

The first things you need is your media as a bytes object in python

my_media = <your_media_as_bytes>

2 - Request an upload url to lumapps for you media

The second step is to request an upload url to LumApps in order for you to upload the given media. To do that you will need to call the document/uploadUrl/get endpoints.

Important Notes

  • In LumApps the location where a media is stored in given by what's called a docPath that is of the form provider=<a_provider>/site=<a_lumapps_site_di>/resource=<a_lumapps_media_id>. In order for you do pretty much anything with media via api you need to know this docPath or you need to know how to construct it.For more infos see the media docPath section
  • A media is also associated with a sort of 'scope', that is you define if the media should be shared (ie, visible by everyone in the library) or not. This is done via the isShared parameter when you upload the media. Note that the sharing is done based on the user who make the upload request.
api = .... 
body = {
"fileName": <your_filename>,
"lang": <the_lang_of_the_file>,
"parentPath": <you_doc_path_within_lumapps>,
"shared": <wether_your_media_is_shared_or_not>,
"success": "/upload",
upload_infos = api.get_call("document/uploadUrl/get", body=body)
upload_url = upload_infos["uploadUrl"]

3 - Upload the media

The last thing is to upload the media data you stored in step 1. This is done via a simple form upload.

files_tuple_list = [
  ("files", (<your_filename>, my_media, <you_file_mimeType>]))

response =
   headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + api.token}, # For authorization reasons
if response.status_code == 200:
    files = response.json()
    if files.get("items"):
        new_media = files["items"][0]

Here you have, if all goes well the new_media should contained the LumApps media object returned by the successfull upload.

LumApps media docPath

Because the medias can be stored in folders, subfolders ... the docPath can be a bit cimplicated to understand

  • Base

The basis is provider=<a_provider>/site=<a_lumapps_site_id>, with that docPath the media will be saved in the root folder of the media of the precised site.

  • With folder

If you want to upload it in a folder, you will need the folder id and add it as the resource

For instance if I want to upload a media to the folder with the id 183097498 my docPath will be
