LetsChat is a full stack chat application that allows users to communicate with each other in real-time. It supports features like user authentication, one-on-one chat, group chat, user profile management, and more.
Tech Stack:
- MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js)
- Socket.IO
- Home
- Login Page
- Sign Up Page
- Forgot Password Page
- Chat Page
- Search User
- One-on-One Chat
- Group Chat
- User Profile
- Group Menu
To get started with LetsChat, follow these steps:
Fork and clone the repository from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/RahulM4/LetsChat.git
Install the required packages for the backend by running the following command in the root directory:
npm install
Install the required packages for the frontend by navigating to the frontend directory and running the following command:
cd ./frontend
npm install
npm start
To set up the environment variables for the backend, create a .env
file inside the backend/Apputills
directory with the following contents:
Dependency | Description |
bcryptjs | Library for hashing and salting passwords |
body-parser | Middleware for parsing request bodies |
cookie-parser | Middleware for parsing cookies |
cors | Middleware for enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing |
dotenv | Library for loading environment variables from a file |
express | Web application framework for Node.js |
express-fileupload | Middleware for handling file uploads |
jsonwebtoken | Library for generating and verifying JSON Web Tokens |
mongoose | MongoDB object modeling tool for Node.js |
multer | Middleware for handling file uploads |
nodemailer | Library for sending emails |
cloudinary | Cloud-based image and video management platform |
Dependency | Description |
@chakra-ui/icons | Icon library for Chakra UI |
@chakra-ui/react | UI component library for React with Chakra UI |
@emotion/react | Library for writing CSS styles with JavaScript |
@emotion/styled | Library for styling React components with Emotion |
@material-ui/core | Material-UI component library for React |
@material-ui/icons | Material-UI icons package for React |
@mui/icons-material | Material-UI icons package for MUI (formerly Material-UI) |
@mui/material | UI component library for React with MUI (formerly Material-UI) |
axios | Promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js |
framer-motion | Library for creating fluid animations in React |
react | JavaScript library for building user interfaces |
react-chips | React component for input chips |
react-dom | Entry point for React DOM rendering |
react-helmet | Library for managing document head tags in React |
react-lottie | Library for adding Lottie animations to React applications |
react-notification-badge | Notification badge component for React |
react-router-dom | Routing library for React applications |
react-scripts | Configuration and scripts for Create React App |
react-scrollable-feed | Scrollable feed component for React |
socket.io-client | Library for WebSocket communication in the browser |
styled-components | Library for styling React components with CSS-in-JS |
- Dark mode
- Audio and video calls
- Reset password
- Media sharing