Create slideshows as journalentries and show them to your players:
- Each slide has it´s own audio, background image and slide content (html)
- Slideshows are build with an in-game editor
- Slide playback is controlled by GM
- GM can save optional "GM notes" with each slide, notes are only shown to GM
- JournalEntry tab has a new button "Create Slideshow Entry"
- Install module with Manifest URL:
- Activate module in your game world
- As GM open "JournalEntry" tab and click on new "Create Slideshow Entry" button
- Use editor to create the slides
- Right click on an existing slide to add a new slide
- Click into name field to change the slide name
- Click red "x" to delete slides
- Drag a slide to a new position to change ordering
- Drag playlist or journal entries onto the drop-zones of a slide.
- "Audio": playlist that is started when the slide is revealed
- "Background": Image of a JournalEntry that is shown as a fullscreen background image
- "Content": HTML Text of a JournalEntry that is shown as the slide content (centered)
- "GM Notes": HTML Text of a JournalEntry that is shown in the GM Control Window Caution: Don´t change the links between the slides.
- Click "Show to players" on editor sheet.
- The slideshow is shown on all player´s screens, the UserInterface on the player´s screens is mostly hidden.
- To stop the slideshow close the GM control window
- : graph editing
- : presentation framework
The slideshow data is saved as the JSON encoded graph description of jointjs in the "content" field of the JournalEntry.
Change list:
v0.1.0: Initial release