A Rust project that aims to create a user interface (UI) for accessing / interacting with Twitter direct messages (DMs).
This project accesses the Twitter API using Rust egg_mode.
This project currently uses a rusqlite database to temporarily store and access DMs.
UI Example:
Decide display method, e.g., TUI-Rust, webapp?
- twitter_api.rs :: fn requesting_user_authoriation must be changed based on the medium
- Make this easy for recruiters to USE, easy to UNDERSTAND visually
twitter_api.rs :: fn get_direct_messages
- Current limit on amount of tweets you can get - How can I increase this limit?
- Decide: We don't need all the info contained in the hashmap, should we create a custom data structure?
- This data structure would be the same (e.g., HashMap<k,v> = <ConvoIDs, Messages> )
How to deliver data I already have? Should I store data in a database?
React version -> How to deliver data from Rust HashMap to JavaScript?
- Option 1: Output HashMap to JSON - import with JavasScript
VIP Adding new conversations
- Find the user
- Verify if there was any previous chat history, if yes, import chats. If not, create new chat.
Sending a message to someone
- Get user text-message input
- Send user message
Recieving messages / Updating chat history
- How to do this efficiently without hitting API call limit?
- Do you have to pay to increase limit?
[] Messages on start up and insert into User Interface (UI)
[] Messages periodically, continually check for updates
[] Send messages within EXISTING conversations and update UI
[] Send a message
[] Update a conversation
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