All code contained in this project is licensed under GPL 3.0.
All designs contained in this work are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
- Dodi Achmad on Unsplash for image used in addon fanart.jpg. Free for use under Unsplash licence.
Hitcher for inspiring this project and kickstarting my hopeless mockups into a working codebase. For supporting through the initial designs and providing loads of support and advice.
jurialmunkey for all the best-practice code examples and forum support.
sualfred for plenty of inspiration and script.embuary.helper, which provided some key functionality before the release of new Nexus features.
2.6.6 To do:
- pvr switching from windows to fullscreen there's a transition animation but it should be instant
- detailed list
- progress bar
- collection icon
- navigation
- secondary list
- view options (flags, details)
- variable length textbox depending on how big the plot is
- better differentiation between itemlayout and focuslayout
- now playing
- track number / heart icon
- musicplayer
- PVR seek like estuary
- pvr icons from studio flags folder?
- make sure multiart control is disabled after autoscroll
- does label need to fade out and in when home screen > music player controls?
- Views break after coming out of a playlist (next episode)
- disable grid on certain list only views
- favourites all viewtype options (omega only)
- infoscreen bug
- infoscreen widget navigation for music widgets + music videos (songvideourl)
- check to see the player status labels
- Evaluate Container.NumItems for scrollbars in each view / layout
- autoscroll bar
- multiart on autoscroll
- Create radio station button
- remove window property hack for music ratings during playback in Omega =
- Work in Progress (WIP) new view called Detailed List based on PVR view
- Skydance, Epix, MGM flags updated
- Fixed missing like icon when a song when song's user rating exceeds the value set in (Settings > Copacetic > Customisations > Liked song rating threshold)
- Fixed issue where gridview spotlight widget was hiding during trailer autoplay
- Fixed bug causing widget multiart to fallback to square on other layout types if expected multiart type was not present
- Fixed bug in Variable length title label that was causing it to switch between different sizes erroneously
- Changed seasons infoscreen widget to only appear if more than one season is present
- Added delay to auto trailer playback for widgets when switching between widgets
- Changed visibility condition so that infoscreen widget scrollbar doesn't momentarily appear when pressing back to exit infoscreen
- Added a workaround for the focus glitch on homescreen when globalsearch icon is clicked and focus temporarily returns to home menu before keyboard loads. This is required to ensure that after keyboard or global search is exited, the homescreen is properly focused on the main menu. Added a window property to hide main menu during this transition.
- All windows should now have background/content hidden if global search is opened on top
- More PVR improvements including a new view for channels with more details, fixed osd and seek bar controls
- pvrchannelmananger window added
- pvrgroupmanager window added
- Fix for gridview artwork mask being on top of icons
- Fix for accidental deletion of grid icon when a listitem is a collection
- Added missing description label addonbrowser
- Minor improvements to visualisation
- Minor improvements to design for MyPVRChannels.xml and MyPVRGuide.xml
- Addition of PVR shortcuts in hidden menu screen when in PVR windows
- DialogPVRGuideSearch.xml
- MyPVRRecordings.xml
- MyPVRSearch.xml
- MyPVRTimers.xml
- Home background will now by default show fanarts from any destination path if it's in the db://, e.g. if you make a shortcut to Videos > Movies > Genres > Horror, it will show fanarts of the movies at that destination instead of generic movie fanarts.
- Fixed bug where grid artwork would sometimes go black in certain scenarios
- Added a three second delay when entering movies or home windows before trailers will autoplay
- Fixed typo in trailer autoplay preventing tvshow trailers from autoplaying in videos window unless container content was NOT tvshows.
- Switched OSD idle timer from custom window to skin timer
- Hide dialogvideinfo.xml label for ends time in top right corner when musicplayer widget is active.
- Attempted fix for crashes in when browsing settings screens on certain platforms, courtesy of @mikeSILVO
- New attempted fix for infoscreen path tracer bug
- New attempted fix for Infoscreen Path Tracer Button bug (see below). Rearchitected logic of the loop so it's no longer reliant on a timed delay
- Fixed bug in tvshow infoscreen widgets where 'Next up' and 'More episodes from Season X' widgets would both display on top of each other
- Fixed bug in 'More from Actor Name' widget where it was not removing the current item if widget was opened from an episode infoscreen. This fix is in conjunction with a fix in script.copacetic.helper (1.1.5).
- Attempted fix for bug in Infoscreen Path Tracer Button that was not resolved in previous update on less powerful hardware, where the container takes too long to update on the exit route from ContainerPath_02 to ContainerPath_01. Previously when control 6001 received focus, it would only pause if Container.IsUpdating. Theory is that it was receiving focus before the container update began and so redirecting back to the infoscreen for the same item before the container update had completed. Now the condition for the delay is set to true to hopefully give the container update time to begin. Once it begins, the Container Update Bounce Test will proceed to check every 100ms if the update is finished, before redirecting to the updated infoscreen. --> To be tested on different devices...
- Improved animations for gridview border
- Fixed label for visualisation layout in skin settings
- Fixed stripview variable label in global search realcopacetic#181
- Fixed bug in infoscreen navigation that was causing navigation to break because !String.IsEqual(Container(3203).ListItem.Label,ListItem.Label) was evaluating to true even when Container(3203) was empty
- Fixed a bug causing some infoscreen widget artwork not to dim when dialog window was open on top, e.g. shutdownmenu
- Fixed a bug causing background colour to stay black on infoscreen widgets when Light theme selected and navigating to infoscreen from a Billboard view home widget
- New WB logo
- New DC logo
- Added Prime Video studio flag logo
- Fixed time widget label colour when showing shutdown menu on top of a home screen widget with Light background theme enabled
- Added container transition between Album and Album disc screen
- Adjusted fade delay times to be consistent between home widget details and breadcrumb label
- Fixed loginscreen background with library fallbacks as script is not loaded until this screen is bypassed
- Fixed a bug in navigation between infoscreens where clicking on an item from an infoscreen to load a new instance of the infoscreen for the new item, then going back, would not result in returning to the previous item's infoscreen. This required adding a tiny delay to the container update bounce check, as it may have been evaluating too quickly.
- Removed season_info_monitor timer and replaced with script.copacetic.helper monitoring
- Fixed infoscreen path tracer when starting from an episode in a widget
- Fixed infoscreen widgets for Seasons view
- Fixed bug preventing Grid view from displaying properly for windows where Container.Content() is empty, e.g. video sources
- Fixed musicplayer navigation for horizontal gridviews
- Fixed alignment and shadow on musicplayer when horizontal gridviews are active
- Disabled debugging
- Fixed a bug in translations file realcopacetic#183
- Fixed slides for Grid Horizontal layout
- Added visibility condition to seek label realcopacetic#187
- Fixed bug where square widgets were showing fanart even when a thumbnail was available realcopacetic#179
- Fixed an animation bug when quick transitions are selected caused by the fact that the content switching scroll time was reduced but some scrolling animations in Strip and Showcase are hardcoded. Now the scrolling speed is the same for these views as the default transitions, but there is no longer a delay before the content appears, so it still feels quicker. Choosing to disable scrolling animations entirely still reduces the scroll speed to 0 for these views.
- Fixed a bug in the new Time widget preventing the weather information from correctly displaying
- Added option to change transparency of video player overlay (Settings > Copacetic > Backgrounds > 'OSD background brightness during video playback')
- Fixed bug in screen to choose preferred classification system (Settings > Copacetic > Customisations > Preferred classification ratings). Previously wrong labels were showing up in the dialog screen that opens realcopacetic#173
- Fixed bug in breadcrumb label colour when Addonbrowser window open and repository list is
- Added fallback for TV shows info label when ListItem.Property(unwatched episodes) is unavailable
- Fixed animation glitch in artwork fadediffuse when a dialog window e.g. Context Menu is visible on top.
- Transitioned majority of animations to constants
- Fixed background slideshow label - in some scenarios it was showing names that didn't match the artwork currently on display
- Prevented empty progress bar from showing on incomplete movie sets. This was showing as empty because ListItem.IsResumable returns True for collections, but ListItem.PercentPlayed returns empty i.e. 0.
- Fixed glitch in progress bar gradient when navigating through secondary lists on some views
- Disabled Multiart Reset Interrupter on GridView. This interrupter prevents the multiart timer resetting when the container loses focus to items such as the shutdown or view options menu. It's why multiart slideshows can continue in the background when these menus are focused for most views. However, Gridview cannot support this as it is constructed using a default panel, meaning that the focuslayout disappears whenever these other menus take focus. Without disabling the Reset Interruptor, multiart will be visible, then it will disappear if you bring up the shutdown menu, then it will immediately reappear after the menu is closed. This can be jarring so it's better to let the multiart timer reset and start counting again from 0 when gridview loses focus.
- Added progress bar and remaining movies indicator for sets that aren't fully watched using a script.copacetic.helper script.
- Improved accuracy and efficiency of conditional animations for the progress bar unwatched episodes/movies indicator.
- Added ability to speed up animations and window transitions (Settings > Copacetic > General > Speed up animations and window transitions). This feature is currently in beta so further refinement may be necessary following wider testing. When enabled, there is a secondary option to 'Disable all viewtype scroll animations', which will further speed up the main media views by setting scrolltime to 0 realcopacetic#73
- Fix for glitch in widget spotlight auto scroll function, which could cause widgets to momentarily disappear
- Fix for bug where secondary list was sometimes showing Poster art even when 'Prefer keyart' was selected for the specified view and vice versa realcopacetic#174
- Added horizontal layouts for Gridview. In Settings > Copacetic > Views > Grid, you can now choose item layout. The options are 'Vertical small', 'Vertical large' and 'Horizontal' realcopacetic#180
- Added new Time widget replacing the Clock. Now in Settings > Copacetic > Home > General, you can choose the furniture to include (None / Clock / Clock and Date / Clock, Date and Weather). Note: For weather to be displayed, you must install a weather addon and make sure it's enabled under Settings > Services > Weather realcopacetic#177
- Ability to make new Time widget persistent across the entire home screen (Settings > Copacetic > Home > General). In addition, time widget added to settings screens and shutdown menu dialog. realcopacetic#178
- Improved widget navigation by switching from visibility conditionals to Container.NumItems
- Fixed animation issue affecting collections icon during scrolling in Stripview
- Bumping version number by 1 to differentiate between Nexus and Omega versions.
- Increased version number of script.copacetic.helper dependency to 1.1.0
- Added visibility delay to multiartwhen switching containers to prevent seeing it fade out immediately after moving from Movies to Sets, etc.
- Added experimental feature to enable landscape artwork to be displayed instead of fanart for background artwork in List and Billboard view (Settings > Copacetic > Customisations > Experimentsle > 'Enable landscape art for List and Billboard view backgrounds')
- Added small and large item layouts for Grid view panels (Settings > Copacetic > Views > Grid > 'Item artwork size') realcopacetic#168
- Added option to change plot text colour on Showcase and Strip views from grey to white (Settings > Copacetic > Customisations > Library > 'Prefer white to grey text for plot in Showcase and Strip views') realcopacetic#168 realcopacetic#173
- Added label to video infoscreen showing end time when infolabel is available realcopacetic#168
- Added option to disable video information from being displayed at the top of the screen upon video playback (Settings > Copacetic > Customisations > Video Player > 'Disable video information from being displayed at the start of playback') realcopacetic#173
- Added option to show remaining time rather than item duration in the seekbar (Settings > Copacetic > Customisations > Video Player > 'Prefer time remaining to video duration in seek bar') realcopacetic#173
- Fixed missing label when scrolling embedded lists in Thumbnails layout of List view
- Added fadetime to episode artwork when in ListView Thumbnails layout realcopacetic#173
- Added video title to top of video player when osd is on the screen, with currently focused button moved to secondary info label in the top bar realcopacetic#173
- Added option to scroll long titles in ListView instead of truncating (Settings > Copacetic > Views > List > 'Enable scrolling on long titles instead of truncation (...)') realcopacetic#173
- Added wrap around on context/options menus so if you get to the bottom/top and press down/up, you will wrap back around to the other end of the list realcopacetic#173
- Improved visibility condition for widget settings screen
- Added globalsearch configuration screen to skin settings under Settings > Copacetic > Home > 'Configure global search'
- Disabled use of landscape artwork on Billboard widget views
- Disabled 'Prefer landscape artwork' option when Billboard view selected on a home widget
- Added script to quick subtitle switcher in videoOSD controls that allows it to toggle only between 'Off' and a preferred language, as set in skin settings. If preferred language is not available or no value is entered in skin settings, this button will toggle through all available subtitles instead realcopacetic#170
- Added option to prefer TMDbHelper plugin if it's enabled as the content source for info screen widgets, under Settings > Copacetic > Customisations > Info screens realcopacetic#105
- Fixed bug in window transition animations between home, settings etc to ensure that when background slideshow is the same between two windows, the transition is instantaneous
- Fixed a bug in how views are displayed when a home widget redirects to a view in videos window realcopacetic#167
- Added error notification if global search returns 0 results.
- fixed bugs in infoscreen breadcrumb system especially when using tmdbhelper for info screen widgets
- Allow flags to show on Strip View even when details set to 'Off' - this enables views where user wants poster or landscape artwork to be visible without additional title label but still showing flags realcopacetic#169
- Updated more widget paths with URL-encoded strings from script.copacetic.helper
- Updated widget paths with url_encoded strings from script.copacetic.helper to enable xsp filtering when titles have special characters
- Videoosd next button now does bigskipforward if no chapters or playlist are present
- Experimental option (Settings > Copacetic > Customisations > Experiments) to enable Kodi to automatically move to the parent directory in the event that you find yourself in an empty list, e.g. if you are in the Episodes folder of a TV Show and your filter is set to Unwatched but you don't have any unwatched episodes, this will return you to TV Shows, or Seasons if you have unwatched episodes in another season
- New studio logos realcopacetic#131 (comment)
- Further refinement of auto scroll/play timers
- Fix for preventing widgets from auto-playing trailers when auto-scroll also enabled
- Added visual listitem indicator for Collections (sets) and items with VideoVersions
- Added tvchannels window
- Improved tvguide window
- Fixed issue with path tracer when navigating from one infoscreen widget to a new infoscreen. On pressing back, instead of going to the back to the previous infoscreen, Copacetic was closing all dialogs and the main lists were remaining hidden.
- Staying idle on global search home button will now trigger screensaver if it is active
- Added landscape to movieartwhitelist/tvshowartwhitelist recommended settings
- Added support for landscape artwork across all fanart views and widgets
- Added ability to prefer keyart and lanscape art on a per view / per widget basis
- Added ability to enable trailer autoplay on a per widget basis
- Added optional autoscroll to each widget, which can be combined with trailer autoplay to create a playlist of trailers
- Added ability to choose to display clearlogos on a per widget basis
- New 'Spotlight' display option for Grid widgets. This is the same as fanart, but smaller and stays on the screen when trailers are playing. Together with the options for autoscroll and trailer autoplay, the idea is to create a similar feel to the Netflix trailer auto-play view
- Rebuilt widget settings section of Copacetic settings screen into its own window to make for easier management of the new options
- Reordered some other parts of the Copacetic settings screen
- fix for globalsearch scrollbar colour
- misc bug fixes
- globalsearch
- Support for videoversions management dialog and embedded lists [omega]
- Support for videoversions folder views [omega]
- Cleaned some expressions governing Light theme and artwork backgrounds to simplify complex scenarios when several transparent windows are open on top of each other
- Removed flash of light background when transitioning from fullscreen artwork background to fullscreen artwork infoscreen.
- Removed some obsolete parameters
- Fixed some instances when the primary colour was incorrectly used instead of the secondary colour on light background views when Light theme selected, causing things like scrollbars to be shown as white on white instead of black on white
- Fixed a fadediffuse bug in the embedded list artwork mask used on Strip view
- Fixed the missing Ken Burns effect from Billboard and List views with fullscreen artwork
- Removed 'more' ListItem from home and infoscreen widgets [omega]
- GUI dependency bumped to 5.17.0
- Added disabled bar and nib textures to slider/sliderex in Defaults.xml xbmc/xbmc#23163
- Removed dialogfavourites.xml and associate variable conditions
- Added limited support for MyFavourites.xml
- New branch for omega development
- Remove test label
- Fixed filename case mismatch causing some OSD buttons not to show on Linux-based devices realcopacetic#128
- Fixed background slideshow timer stuck on 10 seconds regardless of what was set in skin settings realcopacetic#136
- Added a limit of 40 to the container that fetches artwork for home screen menu items when global slideshows or custom playlists not set. Hope is that this will speed up how long it takes to fetch artwork
- Effects sped up slightly (effects slow down reduced from 0.8 to 0.7)
- Added fix to prevent multiple volume bars showing when audio is muted and scrolling through home screen widgets
- Cleaned up Now_Playing expressions
- Added Now_Playing for current set using window property from script.copacetic.helper added in 1.0.13 realcopacetic#132
- Fixed label to show on homescreen screensaver when no clearlogo present
- Added option to make artwork label presistent all the time on all background screens.
- Fixed typo causing wrong localised label to display for genre on infosceen realcopacetic#116
- Added always available background label to show name of currently displayed fanart. Enable it in Settings > Copacetic > Background. If disabled, the label will be shown as a fallback during home screensaver if option to show clearlogos is enabled, but clearlogo for current listitem is not present realcopacetic#124 realcopacetic#120
- Updated paths for remote fontsets served by resources.fonts.copacetic due to change in folder structure in 1.0.5 realcopacetic/resource.fonts.copacetic#4
- Bumped dependency for resources.fonts.copacetic to 1.0.5 due to above issue.
- Bumped dependency for script.copacetic.helper to latest version (1.0.12)
- Fixed OSD issues realcopacetic#133
- Fixed undiscovered issue with infolabel on List views
- Made some fixes to notification widgets
- Made some fixes to videoplaylist/musicplaylist
- Made some fixes to visualisation window realcopacetic#130
- Added support for artist fanart multiart to visualisation slideshow realcopacetic#47
- Disabled debugging flag
- Fixed alignment bug and missing scrollbar on smartplaylisteditor window that could cause list of rules to exceed the sie of the panel realcopacetic#129
- Added star rating widget to videoosd controls allowing user to view/set a userrating from videosd screen
- Added language and subtitle quick toggles to videoosd screen
- Added navigation from new infoscreen extra details pane. Pressing down will navigate to widgets.
- Removed conditions on home background requiring library to have content as this was preventing people using plugins for their content from setting backgrounds for home menu items via skinshortcuts
- Refined skinsettings for global slideshow picker. Now you will only be able to select options from the Slider that are supported by your local library. You can use a Custom plugin path and, if no local library found, Custom will be the default option selected.
- Added skin support for new script.copacetic.helper feature (1.0.11) to fetch fanarts from plugin sources for global background slideshows realcopacetic#108
- Choices in Global background slider now locked based on library status. If no local library present, only 'Custom path' option will be available
- Fixed bug in now_playing expressions causing artwork from plugins without a DBID to be coonsidered playing and dimmed.
- Fixed missing now-playing icon from Billboard view
- Updated OSD controls realcopacetic#110 realcopacetic#105
- Added a fallback label for when clearlogo is not present in home screen background slideshow realcopacetic#120
- Refined now playing expressions to make for better matching of currently displayed tv show/ season list item to videoplayer tvshowdibid. This will avoid two shows with the same name both showing as playing now when an episode from one is played realcopacetic#100
- Added studio flag for Mubi realcopacetic#119
- Added extra condition preventing windowopen animation on Home screen background artwork when returning to the homescreen immediately after ending playback of a video (Window.Previous(fullscreenvideo) + !Player.HasVideo). The reason for this is that, for an unknown reason, the window open animation was not triggering in this particular instance, causing the homescreen background not to load until navigating to another window and back to home.
- Cleaned up some naming conventions between script.copacetic.helper and skin.copacetic
- Added additional details to info screens for local movies and episodes. Access 'Details' tab by pressing left on the infoscreen menu. realcopacetic#116 realcopacetic#115
- Added option to disable hardcoded shutdownmenu items (Home, Light/Night, LibreELEC) in skin settings under Copacetic > General > Menus realcopacetic#121
- Added new LibreELEC shortcut in skin settings under Copacetic > General > Menus realcopacetic#121
- New studio flags for Ascot Elite Entertainment, Gravitas Ventures, Hanway Films, IM Global, Open Road, RankinBass, Screen Media, Toei, Toei Animation, Vertical, Well Go USA realcopacetic#119
- Fixed rogue mask that was visible during Auto trailer playback realcopacetic#105
- Container Content change transition added when navigating files view seasons > episodes
- Changed folder structure of secondary fontset to avoid '+' for Linux resource.fonts.copacetic v1.0.4 required realcopacetic/resource.fonts.copacetic#2
- Added support for Simplified Chinese (Inter + Notos Sans SC) resource.fonts.copacetic v1.0.4 required realcopacetic/resource.fonts.copacetic#3
- New BFI studio flag
- Fixed logic of actor credits widget, so that it will display even if they only have 1 credit that is NOT the item currently being viewed.
- New studio flags for American International Pictures (AIP), Shudder, Toho, Filmnation, New World Pictures, The Ladd Company, Hammer, Animax as per request from @"loki00",%23145,-2024%2D03%2D12
- Simplified transitions between Windows when sharing global backgrounds to create a smoother UX feel
- Fixed widget scrollbars not appearing on first window load for home screen or info screens
- Simplified container transition expressions and extended transitions to addons so there is a transition between list levels (e.g. add-on browser > my add-ons > look and feel, etc)
- Fixed bug causing dialogaddoninformation to lose focus on opening for some addons
- Added fade effect to infoscreen thumbnail when shutdownmenu visible on top
- Added optional shutdown menu shortcut to hidden views menu realcopacetic#90
- Fixed error in in skinshortcuts management window - non-existent control 309
- Moved custom playlist background slideshow from homescreen to global via script.copacetic.helper 1.0.9
- Rearranged skin settings to consolidate all background settings in one screen
- When global background slideshow is showing or live tv is playing, removed fade in/out transitions between home, addonbrowser, settings screens, tvguide and tv/radio search for a smoother experience. This required removing Ken Burns effect from these background slideshows.
- Removed some of the unnecessary transitions between different views when navigating through addonbrowser menus
- Fixed multiart bug breaking artwork for billboard view in programs
- Fixed typo breaking fix for previous issue realcopacetic#60
- Fixed colour of volume indicator on home screen widgets when light theme selected
- Added disabled indicator to addonbrowser for disabled addons in List and Grid views, plus installed indicator for installed addons when browsing repos
- Redesigned script-upnext widget and added options to skinsettings to enable/disable addon and choose art type. realcopacetic#102
- Bug fix: removed unmatched parenthesis causing log errors
- Updated MGM, MGM+ and HBO Max flags
- Fixed colour issue with volume indicator in certain views on light theme realcopacetic#77
- Improved notifcation style switching when moving between views and windows. Underlying cause of realcopacetic#77
- Fixed bug in Startup.xml
- Fixed bug in Content_Settings.xml preventing a label from showing in Skin Settings > General
- Added option for movement to fullscreen artwork on billboard and list views realcopacetic#79
- Fixed missing multiart on Billboard home widgets realcopacetic#60
- Added ability to completely disable hidden options menu when kiosk mode enabled realcopacetic#59
- Added ability to change opacity of background panels in Skin Settings > General realcopacetic#45
- Consistent background opacity between DialogSlider.xml, DialogPlayerProcessInfo.xml and other panels realcopacetic#31
- seekbar and seekoffset label added to video player realcopacetic#32
- Added multiart and Ken Burns effect to infoscreen backgrounds realcopacetic#60
- Added homescreen clearlogo supports for background playlists set through skinshortcuts realcopacetic#61
- Refined animation delay for grid view details that appear as an overlay to the thumbnail after artwork is dimmed
- Only use Return_Label prop when label/videoplayer title contains a period
- Added chapter markers and chapter label to seekbar during video playback realcopacetic#71
- Fixed spacing for wider MPAA flags in video playback breadcrumb realcopacetic#70
- script.upnext close button fix realcopacetic#62
- Added resolution label to breadcrumb for grid realcopacetic#63
- Added option to turn off infoscreen star ratings realcopacetic#64
- Disable OSD autoclose when another settings window is open on top of OSD realcopacetic#65
- Added default control for videoinformation and addoninformation realcopacetic#58
- Compare cropped clearlogo dbid with listitem dbid to ensure only displays on correct items
- Hide breadcrumb label on list view when it is the same as listitem.label to avoid duplication realcopacetic#48
- Add container level transitions on themoviedb helper plugin menu windows
- Misc bug fixes for MyPVRGuide and PVRGuideInfo
- Fix for fullscreen info being cut off
- Fixed info widget for similar tv shows from studio to use network ID to lookup instead for plugin content
- Added hardcoded LibreELEC settings shortcut to shutdownmnu realcopacetic#54
- New window animations for continuous video playback during PVR
- MyPVRGuide and PVRGuide info alphas - Request for feedback
- Refinement of new visualisation screen
- Debugging off
- Fix for Linux issues with skin.shortcuts by renaming Overrides.xml to overrides.xml realcopacetic#43
- Fix for networksetup window visibility condition problem realcopacetic#46
- Fix for broken visibility condition preventing seekbar and fullscreen info displaying on pause/playback realcopacetic#42
- Fix for missing albumcover during playback on musicvisualisation screen by switching from Player.Art(Thumb) with MusicPlayer.Cover realcopacetic#36
- Fix for missing fanart in musicvisualisation which can be used to enable slideshow in addons such as Radio Paradise and Artist slideshow
- New visualisation layout options
- Attempted fix for Linux issues with skin.shortcuts implementation in Copacetic
- Fixed music OSD label when Previous button selected
- Started work on adding better view support for plugins
- Ability to switch between List (Background), List (Thumbnails) and Grid views for plugins when there is no container content type set (e.g. when browsing menus in TheMovieDB Helper)
- Removed ability to disable slideshows in order to simplify logic of light theme
- Fixed issue where navigating from settings to a shortcut like TMDB Helper caused background slideshow to become hidden
- Fixed window order issue when modal dialogs called from keyboard shortcut during playback (sometimes they would appear behind the diffuse layer)
- Fixed infoscreen widgets not loading on first opening if they rely on window properties from script by adding fallback variables using ListItems
- Added support for Youtube and other plugins using container.content(videos) for multiple views in myvideonav.xml and for home screen widgets
- Added missing default value for Skin.String(Widget6_Display) so the label isn't missing from the slider in skin settings when configuring Widget 6
- Added dummy PVR windows as potential fix for issue where switching to Copacetic is resetting PVR settings in other skins
- Removed visualisation.waveform dependency as this addon is not available on Linux
- Fixed movie infoscreen widget for corresponding set
- Added studio flag for Neon
- Changed navigation on home menu to wrap on additional direction press so at the end of the list if you press right again, it will take you back to the list. And at the start, pressing left will take you to the end
- Widgets will also wrap around on second press if there is more than one item in the container
- Optimised screenshots and icons in /resources and /extras/skinsettings folders
- Fixed several infoscreen widgets that weren't working correctly when the source of the list item was a plugin and themoviedbhelper was installed and being used to populate the plugin
- Fixed issue introduced in 1.1.1 with wrong multiart displaying on some widgets
- Fixed issue introduced in 1.1.2 where disabled/empty widgets could not be changed in skinsettings
- Fixed issue affecting wrong artwork sometimes being shown in widgets using grid and fanart layout when scrolling backwards
- Fixed multiart behaviour on list/billboard view when main container loses focus
- Fixed artwork displayed on secondary lists for list/billboard view when multiart visible
- Refined user experience of widget settings screen. It should now be easier to see how to configure widgets
- Removed inactive icons from dialogselect window when accessed via skinsettings
- Option for thumb or tv show artwork on widgets containing episodes
- New widget settings screen with ability to easily reorder widgets
- Cropped clearlogo window properties are cleared each time a widget is unfocused to avoid issue where clearlogo from previous widget would sometimes be shown momentarily before updating
- Dependency added back in for resource.fonts.copacetic
- Fixed colour of notification label when light theme is selected and background slideshow is visible on.container-less screens in myvideonav/mymusicnav
- Fixed colour of notification/volume label when light theme is selected but trailer is auto-playing
- Fix to prevent view-specific notification widget showing on top of video window when trailer is auto-playing
- Fixed center alignment of clearlogo on fullscreen info / pause screen during video playback
- Fixed order of priority for HDR type flag and label. Now both will only fallback to filenames if there is no value for ListItem.HDRType
- Added multiart to background slideshows
- Added kiosk mode in skin settings to lock hidden view menu customisations
- Visualisation window will now hide artwork/info about currently playing song according to standard Player.ShowInfo boolean
- Depdency on resource.fonts.copacetic removed while awaiting its approval into Kodi Nexus resources repo
- Keyart will now only show in place of posters if 'Prefer keyart for poster views' is selected in skin settings. Previously it would show whenever a clearlogo was present, regardless of this setting
- DialogAddonSettings.xml hidden when keyboard or numeric input opened on top
- Fixed GridView being enabled for AddonBrowser.xml even when disabled in skin settings
- Fixed StripView details being hidden during transition between widgets on info screens
- Added addon version number to ListView info breadcrumb in AddonBrowser.xml
- Rebuilt artwork controls and animations for List and Billboard views to make more lightweight and improve scrolling when multiart is visible
- Removed duplicate 'ends' label from infoscreen during video playback for video files that are not movies or episodes
- Added System.AddonIsEnabled(xyz) conditions for all use of scripts and plugins including dependencies that are required to be present
- Dependencies for script.copacetic.helper and resource.fonts.copacetic bumped to latest versions
- Added missing progress backing gradient to secondary artwork for Listview Thumbnail / Showcaseview
- Updated MAX logo for new streaming service
- Connected to Weblate for submission of future translations as automated pull requests
- Majority of Italian and French translations submitted via Weblate
- Fixed issue when setting up a custom widget where focus would get stuck on Display and you couldn't select Path/Name/Sort method etc
- Added end time for currently playing video to Fullscreen Info / Pause screen (if info on pause screen is enabled in settings)
- Fixed 2 msgstr formatting errors in language\resource.language.en_gb\strings.po
- Fixed auto-update button on DialogAddonInfo.xml. Previously even though the label was updating between on/off, it wasn't actually changing the underlying status of the control
- Fixed label for audo-update button on DialogAddonInfo.xml adding a forward slash between the name and the value
- Fix for fontset issue causing some users to have issues switching to the skin. Thanks to beatmasterRS for providing the fix
- Fix for a bug that caused folder names in gridview for containers with files to sometimes get stuck on the name of a previously focused listitem
- Initial release