You can add the Lytics SDK to an Xcode project by adding it as a package dependency.
- From the File menu, select Add Packages...
- Enter
into the package repository URL text field and click Add Package - Add the Lytics package product to your application target
You must initialize the Lytics SDK with your API token before using it. If using an AppDelegate
, it is recommended to do this in AppDelegate.application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)
import Lytics
import UIKit
class AppDelegate: NSObject, UIApplicationDelegate {
func application(
_ application: UIApplication,
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?
) -> Bool {
Lytics.shared.start(apiToken: "YOUR-VALID-LYTICS-API-TOKEN") { configuration in
return true
If you are using SwiftUI, you can initialize the SDK in the App
import Lytics
import SwiftUI
struct MyApp: App {
init() {
Lytics.shared.start(apiToken: "YOUR-VALID-LYTICS-API-TOKEN") { configuration in
var body: some Scene {
The Lytics event methods are generic, allowing you to define your own Codable
types and use the SDK with full type-safety.
struct MyIdentifier: Codable {
var userID: String
var email: String?
struct MyConsent: Codable {
var document: String
var consented: Bool
struct MyProperties: Codable {
var eventID: Int
var artist: Artist
Tracking identity events provides an interface for updating the current user's properties stored on device as well as emitting an identify event to the downstream collections API.
name: "login",
identifiers: MyIdentifier(
userID: "this-users-known-id",
email: "[email protected]"))
Consent events provide an interface for configuring and emitting a special event that represents an app users explicit consent. This event does everything a normal event does in addition to providing a special payload for consent details at the discretion of the developer.
name: "ios consent",
consent: MyConsent(
document: "termsAndConditions",
consented: true))
Track custom events provides an interface for configuring and emitting a custom event at the customers discretion throughout their application (e.g. made a purchase or logged in)
name: "Buy Tickets",
properties: MyProperties(
artist: event.artist))
Screen events provide an interface for configuring and emitting a special event that represents a screen or page view. It should be seen as an extension of the track method.
Lytics.shared.screen(name: "Dashboard")
Before collecting the IDFA you must first add a NSUserTrackingUsageDescription
to your app's Info.plist
. You can then call Lytics.shared.requestTrackingAuthorization()
to have iOS request authorization to access the IDFA. Note that the alert will not be displayed if the user has turned off “Allow Apps to Request to Track” in the system privacy settings and that authorization can be revoked at any time.