This health app can help users make healthier choices each day by enabling them to track their progress, view personalized dashboards, add new workouts or exercises, and analyze their basal metabolic rate and daily energy expenditure. It includes a PostgreSQL, Express, and Node.js backend, with a React frontend employing Bootstrap and MaterialUI packages.
Install React dependencies with npm install
in root directory.
Add an .env file with a variable "PORT=8000"
In a seperate terminal, navigate to the server folder and initialize the server dependencies and .env file
cd server/server_API
npm install
touch .env
To the .env file, add The following with the appropriate PostgreSQL database settings, database port number and server port number
In a third seperate terminal, navigate to the root directory and run the following
cd server/server_API
\c workout
Add our initial database migrations and seeds
\i db/schema.sql;
\i db/seeds/exercises;
\i db/seeds/meals.sql;
\i db/seeds/meals_tracker.sql;
\i db/seeds/exercise_tracking.sql;
\i db/seeds/users.sql;
To run the client React server, in the root directory run:
npm start
In a seperate terminal navigate to the root folder then run the following:
cd server/server_API
npm start
Choose from preset plans
Plans and exervises are added to your routine
Add custom exercises and meals
Track your progress