Python package for performing statistical validation on the results of a regression model compared to the gold standard measurements.
Python script to perform Bland-Altman statistical analysis on two vectors of data. Create a BlandAltman class with your data and call methods to automatically generate Bland-Altman statistics and graphs. Statistics and graphs are based on the gold standard Bland-Altman style statistical comparison preseented in [1] and [2].
The Bland-Altman method was introduced in a 1986 journal paper by those authors and presented methods for assessing validation of a new measure compared to a gold standard measure. These statistical methodologies have become the gold standard for comparing data from a novel medical device.
- Place the file in the folder you are working in
- In Python call 'import BlandAltmanPy'
- Get your two vectors of data into the Notebook
- See example with example_data.csv file
- One column should have the gold standard measurements
- Another column should have the new measurements that you are comparing
- Labels should be in first row
- See example with example_data.csv file
- Create the BlandAltman class for your data:
compare = BlandAltmanPy.BlandAltman(df.gold_standard,df.new_measure)
- Now you can call methods off of compare to get statistics and plots
See the Example_Jupyter_Notebook file for an example of using BlandAltmanPy within Jupyter Notebooks.
Get BlandAltman statistics by entering:
Statistic | Description |
Mean error | The average of all the differences between the gold standard measure and the new measure |
Mean absolute error | The average of all the absolute differences between the gold standard measure and the new measure |
Mean squared error | The average of all the squared differences between the gold standard measure and the new measure. This metric does a better job than MAE at punishing outliers in the data, but has the disadvantage that the metric is no longer in the same units as the original inputs |
Root mean squared error | The average of all the square root of the squared differences between the gold standard and the new measure. This metric is in the same units as the original inputs |
Correlation | Pearson Product Correlation between the gold standard measure and the new measure |
95% Confidence Intervals | Based on the provided data, there is a 95% chance that any new measure obtained falls within this range of the gold standard measure |
Adjust number of decimals in print_stats output by setting round_amount:
compare.print_stats(round_amount = 3)
Return a python dictionary of the statistics:
stats_dict = compare.return_stats()
Get the BlandAltman scatter plot by:
Get the BlandAltman difference plot by:
- The legend location looks a bit odd in the above graph. This is because it is set to auto-adjust to any location that will not cover the data points.
compare.scatter_plot(x_label='ECG HR [bpm]',y_label='PPG HR [bpm]')
compare.scatter_plot(x_label='ECG HR [bpm]',y_label='PPG HR [bpm]',title='HR Comparison')
compare.difference_plot(title='Bland-Altman Differnce Plot')
Turn legend off in plots by setting show_legend=False:
compare.scatter_plot(x_label='ECG HR [bpm]',y_label='PPG HR [bpm]',title='HR Comparison',show_legend=False)
compare.difference_plot(title='Bland-Altman Differnce Plot',show_legend=False)
The default behaviour is to save each plot image to a .pdf file in the output_images folder. You can adjust the name and extension of the saved image by using the file_name setting:
compare.scatter_plot(x_label='ECG HR [bpm]',y_label='PPG HR [bpm]',file_name='HR_Scatter_Compare.jpg')
Set figure size in inches. Useful for formatting images to fit journal paper size requirements. Default is figure_size=(4,4)
compare.scatter_plot(x_label='ECG HR [bpm]',y_label='PPG HR [bpm]',title='Heart Rate Comparison',figure_size=(8,8))
compare.difference_plot(title='Bland-Altman Differnce Plot',figure_size=(8,8))
Each measurement must come from an independent sample. This means that if you have multiple observations from one subject they must be averaged together to make one observation. This affects how the 95% confidence intervals are calculated. Set averaged to True in the initial set up of the BlandAltman class:
compare = BlandAltman(df.gold_standard,df.new_measure,averaged=True)
Avoid use of type 3 fonts for journal paper acceptance by setting the is_journal input to True:
compare.scatter_plot(x_label='ECG HR [bpm]',y_label='PPG HR [bpm]',is_journal=True)
[1] Bland, J.M. and Altman, D., 1986. Statistical methods for assessing agreement between two methods of clinical measurement. The lancet, 327(8476), pp.307-310.
[2] Giavarina, D., 2015. Understanding bland altman analysis. Biochemia medica: Biochemia medica, 25(2), pp.141-151.