Various scripts and configurations for FFMPEG, TSDuck and other video processing tools.
- enc_profile: shortcuts for popular encoding profiles for
- gif_encode: convert video files to GIF
- hdbars: send test pattern to a file or streaming destination
sudo rpm -ivh \
curl -sLO \ \
&& sudo dpkg -i video-gadgets_1.2.0_all.deb
Any other Linux:
cd /; \
sudo curl -L \ \
| tar xvzf
Scales and encodes a source video file into .GIF, extracting the palette from the source file first.
$ gif_encode --width 640 --fps 10 source.mkv dest.gif
Produces a video test pattern with
- HD SMPTE Bars,
- hostname (or custom text header)
- local time,
- timecode,
- custom logo (optional),
- an audible beep every 1 second and
- an animation with synchronized moving indicator:
Outputs one of the predefined FFMPEG encoding profiles - for use with FFMPEG transcoding tasks.
Use in ffmpeg commands:
ffmpeg -i `vgp twitch` -f flv rtpm://
ffmpeg -i `vgp fullscreen`
List available profiles:
$ vgp --list
Available encoding profiles:
copy: Copy (pass-through)
default: Default (x264:veryfast/aac@128k)
fullscreen: Local screen playback
raw: Raw
testpattern: Test patterns (x264:veryfast/aac@24k)
twitch: Twitch (x264:veryfast@3M/aac@160k)
window: Local screen playback
wowza: Wowza (x264:medium@1mbps/aac@128k)
youtube: Youtube (x264:veryfast@3M/aac@128k)
You can add custom profiles by editing / adding the following files:
See vg_profile.conf
for syntax samples.