Spotify API swift implementation
The library provides an interface for interacting with the Spotify API
macOS 10.13+, iOS 11.0+ and Windows are supported by the module. Other platforms (watchOS 4.0+, tvOS 11.0+, Linux, Android) have experimental support
For work with Spotify API need:
- Active session (client token). Usually the token has a validity period of 14 days. The token is provided when the client passes the challenge. After expiration must be regenerated
- Authorization: User (access and refresh tokens) or Guest (access token only). Usually the access token has 1 hour validity period. After expiration can be regenerated by refresh token, if exists, or by signing in
- Access point host (for some endpoints). Can be retrieved with active session
SwiftySpot is available with SPM
- Package sources
.package(url: "", .from(from: "0.7.1"))
- Precompiled XCFramework (macOS, iOS, iOS Simulator, watchOS, watchOS simulator, tvOS, tvOS simulator): make your own Swift package and import it to the target project
// swift-tools-version: 5.9
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "MySwiftySpot",
platforms: [
.macOS(.v10_13), .iOS(.v11), .tvOS(.v11), .watchOS(.v5), .visionOS(.v1)
products: [
.library(name: "SwiftySpot", targets: ["SwiftySpot"]),
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "1.28.2")
targets: [
name: "SwiftySpot",
dependencies: [.product(name: "SwiftProtobuf", package: "swift-protobuf")],
url: "",
checksum: "a22a98588e19c487e9957a1aa5bc9bf27b173595c68e1e1638a25c9d79b58ac1"
SwiftySpot is available with CocoaPods. To install a module, just add to the Podfile:
- iOS
platform :ios, '11.0'
pod 'SwiftySpot'
- macOS
platform :osx, '10.13'
pod 'SwiftySpot'
- tvOS
platform :tvos, '11.0'
pod 'SwiftySpot'
- watchOS
platform :watchos, '4.0'
pod 'SwiftySpot'
Notice: XCode 15+ doesn't allow to use iOS 11, tvOS 11 as minimum deployment target during build process with SwiftySpot from SPM. So the mimimum deployment target for these platforms in your project must be 12 in fact. If you want to bypass this limitation, you have to roll back to XCode 14 or use SwiftySpot with CocoaPods. More info: 1, 2
You can interact with the API through SPClient instance.
Client has 3 states:
- Client without session and authorization. The first launch, for example. May include guest authorization
- Client with session and without user authorization. May include guest authorization
- Client with session and user authorization, including state without access token, but with refresh credential
SPClient manages the session by itself: Initializes (client session) or refreshes (client session, user or guest authorization) if needed
User authorization has priority under the guest one. It means the API methods, which are available from guest access, will be executed with user authorization instead of guest one
import SwiftySpot
let device = SPDevice(os: "osName", osVer: "osVersion", osVerNum: 1, cpuAbi: "32", manufacturer: "brand", model: "model", deviceId: "{8 bytes hex string}")
let client = SPClient(device: device)
Available API methods:
- Authorize with credentials
- Get Dac landing
- Get playlist details
- Get entity metadata (tested with artist, album, track)
- Get playlist by track seed
- DRM'ed track download info (Direct download links)
Client token will be generated automatically
import SwiftySpot
let device = SPDevice(os: "osName", osVer: "os version", osVerNum: {os number}, cpuAbi: "32", manufacturer: "brand", model: "model", deviceId: "{8 bytes hex string}")
let clToken = "..."
let clExpires = 3600
let clRefresh = 4800
let clCreateTs = 0
let client = SPClient(device: device, clToken: clToken, clTokenExpires: clExpires, clTokenRefreshAfter: clRefresh, clTokenCreateTsUTC: clCreated)
Available API methods are same with the State 1
Notice: Spotify recently disabled authorization with login/password. On mobile clients it still works, but how long is unknown. So in general authorization with stored credentials is preferred
import SwiftySpot
let device = SPDevice(os: "osName", osVer: "os version", osVerNum: {osNumber}, cpuAbi: "32", manufacturer: "brand", model: "model", deviceId: "{8 bytes hex string}")
let clToken = "..."
let clExpires = 3600
let clRefresh = 4800
let clCreateTs = 0
let authToken = "..."
let authExpires = 7200
let authCreateTs = 0
let username = "..."
let storedCredential = Data()
let client = SPClient(device: device, clToken: clToken, clTokenExpires: clExpires, clTokenRefreshAfter: clRefresh, clTokenCreateTsUTC: clCreated, authToken: authToken, authExpiresInS: authExpires, username: username, storedCred: storedCredential, authTokenCreateTsUTC: authCreateTs)
All API methods are available
Library has built-in metadata manager. It caches on RAM all artist, album and track metadata, which are requested by API. The manager is initialized with empty storage by default during API client init. You are able to init the manager with start metadata
Metadata provider tips
Metadata from manager can be provided in 3 ways:
- Through manager instance search methods: searchTrack(-s), searchArtist(-s), searchAlbum(-s):
let trackNavUri = "spotify:track:123"
let track: SPMetadataTrack? = client.tracksMetaStorage.find(uri: trackNavUri)
- Through manager instance properties, which return all available data:
let allAlbumsMeta: [SPMetadataAlbum] = client.albumsMetaStorage.items
- Through NotificationCenter update events
Notification.Name | Name key | Payload type | Description |
SPArtistMetaUpdate | SPArtistMetaUpdate | SPMetadataArtist | API client received artist meta |
SPAlbumMetaUpdate | SPAlbumMetaUpdate | SPMetadataAlbum | API client received album meta |
SPPlaylistMetaUpdate | SPPlaylistMetaUpdate | SPPlaylist | API client received playlist meta |
SPTrackMetaUpdate | SPTrackMetaUpdate | SPMetadataTrack | API client received track meta |
SPLyricsUpdate | SPLyricsUpdate | SPLyrics | API client received lyrics info |
Library has notification extension, which provides methods for parsing payload object to API instances:
//notification: Notification
let artistParseRes: (Bool, SPMetadataArtist?) = notifcation.tryParseArtistMetaUpdate()
let albumParseRes: (Bool, SPMetadataAlbum?) = notifcation.tryParseAlbumMetaUpdate()
let plylistParseRes: (Bool, SPPlaylist?) = notifcation.tryParsePlaylistMetaUpdate()
let trackParseRes: (Bool, SPMetadataTrack?) = notifcation.tryParseTrackMetaUpdate()
let lyricsParseRes: (Bool, SPLyrics?) = notifcation.tryParseLyricsUpdate()
The first variable in pair (Bool) is parse status. 'True' value means that the notification has correct name and payload object type
Library has built-in like/dislike collection managers. It caches on RAM artist and track likes/dislikes, which are processed by API. The managers are initialized with empty storage by default during API client init. You are able to init the manager with start collection
Also managers save current collection state, which includes:
- Sync token (Collection update ID)
- Next page token
Like/Dislike provider tips
Like/Dislike info from manager can be provided 3 ways:
- Through manager instance find method
let trackNavUri = "spotify:track:123
let collectionItem: SPCollectionItem? = client.likedTracksStorage.find(uri: trackNavUri)
- Through manager instance property, which return all available data ordered by add timestamp:
let allAlbumsMeta: [SPCollectionItem] = client.likedAlbumsStorage.orderedItems
- Through NotificationCenter update events
Notification.Name | Name key | Payload type | Description |
SPArtistLikeUpdate | SPArtistLikeUpdate | SPCollectionItem | Fires on Like/Dislike op, get collection or update collection by delta API requests |
SPArtistDislikeUpdate | SPArtistDislikeUpdate | SPCollectionItem | Fires on Like/Dislike op, get collection or update collection by delta API requests |
SPAlbumLikeUpdate | SPAlbumLikeUpdate | SPCollectionItem | Fires on Like/Dislike op, get collection or update collection by delta API requests |
SPAlbumDislikeUpdate | SPAlbumDislikeUpdate | SPCollectionItem | Fires on Like/Dislike op, get collection or update collection by delta API requests |
SPTrackLikeUpdate | SPTrackLikeUpdate | SPCollectionItem | Fires on Like/Dislike op, get collection or update collection by delta API requests |
SPTrackDislikeUpdate | SPTrackDislikeUpdate | SPCollectionItem | Fires on Like/Dislike op, get collection or update collection by delta API requests |
Library has notification extension, which provides methods for parsing payload object to API instances:
//notification: Notification
var parseRes: (Bool, SPCollectionItem?) = notifcation.tryParseArtistLikeUpdate()
parseRes = notifcation.tryParseArtistDislikeUpdate()
parseRes = notifcation.tryParseAlbumLikeUpdate()
parseRes = notifcation.tryParseAlbumDislikeUpdate()
parseRes = notifcation.tryParseTrackLikeUpdate()
parseRes = notifcation.tryParseTrackDislikeUpdate()
The first variable in pair (Bool) is parse status. 'True' value means that the notification has correct name and payload object type
Spotify Dac object contains screen design info and payload data with playlists. SPClient extracts playlists from response and pushes them to completion handler.
client.getLandingData { result in
guard let landing = try? result.get() else {return}
//processing playlists...
let uri = SPNavigateUriUtil.generateTrackUri(id: TestConstants.trackId)
client.getTracksDetails(trackUris: [uri]) { result in
guard let meta = try? result.get() else {return}
//processing tracks full info...
Track metadata also contains codecs download info, which can be used to retrieve direct download link
let fileIdHex = "..."//From track audio file metadata
client.getDownloadInfo(hexFileId: fileIdHex) { result in
guard let di = try? result.get() else {return}
//processing track direct download links...
You can download DRM'ed track file with any codec (ogg, mp3, mp4, flac and others). But retrieving DRM license for each codec variant process is limited by your subscription plan (Free, Premium). For example, at free subscription plan you can potentially retrieve license for OGG 96 & 160 kbps, 320 kbps is available only for premium plan
An application for iOS (14.0+, SwiftUI) was created for this API. It implements a working minimum: Playlists from dac, displaying playlist tracks, the ability to like or dislike them, display the 'my collection' tracks and search tracks Its source code is publicy available.