My collection of Discord hacking tools/fun stuff/exploits that is completely made using NodeJS. Friends dont let friends use discord.
Automating your Discord account violates Discord's Terms of Service and can lead to you being ratelimited, disabled, or terminated.
Do not over-use these tools as, again, it will lead to ratelimits, account being disabled, or even terminated.
Tools | Description |
247AcO | A really simple code to run your Discord account 24/7 |
ADS | AIO Discord sniper that you can use also you can create plugins easily for ADS. |
ASC | Automatic status message changer. |
ASDT | 100% Undetectable and the Best static Discord token grabber. |
Audit Log Flooder | A unique way to flood any Discord server Audit Log. |
Bypassing Discord Chat Limit | A really simple glitch/bug or whatever I found to bypass Discord Chat Limit. |
CMT | Discord server channel mass threader. |
Channel Messages Saver | Just a channel messages saver. |
Corrupter | 100% Undetectable and Discord corrupter. |
DMWD | Discord mass webhook deleter. |
DNGCAAC | Blazing fast Discord nitro generator, checker & auto claim. |
DSIG | Discord server information grabber. |
DT G&C | A simple but fast Discord token generator & checker that checks 2 types of tokens. 1. The non mfa, 2. The mfa |
DTGBG | Discord token grabber builder. |
Discord Account Bruteforce | This bruteforce the account's password via dictionary. It might be slow due to captcha. |
Discord tokens checker | A simple but blazing fast Discord tokens checker. |
Dizzy Message | This send's a messy message, If you look at it, It will make you dizzy. |
Invisible Mention | Mention anyone but It's hidden/masked. |
Invite code server info | Retrieves the server information through It's invite code. |
Keylogger | 100% Undetectable and the Best Discord keylogger. |
MAMIDS | Message all members in the Discord server. |
MalCBAAV | A way to make all of your malicious payload 100% undetectable. |
MultiNewLine Channel Spammer | This send spam thousands of useless new lines on a discord server channel. |
Net Lagger | 100% Undetectable Discord Net Lagger. |
Nitro Sniper | A really simple Discord nitro sniper. |
NuclearNuke | Simple yet powerful & fast Discord server nuker. |
Simple fast Discord Nitro Generator & Checker | A really simple but fast Discord nitro generator & checker. |
Token Protector | A simple but effective Discord token protector. |
Token Stealer | 100% Undetectable Discord token Stealer. |
Token Sniper | A really simple Discord token sniper (obsolete) |
Token stealer spider | 100% Undetectable Discord token stealer spider. |
Webhook Spammer | A really fast Discord Webhook Spammer. |
MIT © I2rys