My name is Maciek, and I'm currently in my third year pursuing a degree in Computer Science at the Faculty of Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow. Alongside my studies, I am also working as a Software Engineer at Software Mansion.
- traveling 🛫
- tennis 🎾
- skiing 🎿
- gym 🏋️
- programming and algorithms 💻
- react-native-audio-api - audio library for React Native - main contributor
- Darwin World - A virtual ecosystem model developed using Java and the JavaFX framework.
- Tasky - Web application created using React and express for managing tasks and events.
- Algorithms and Structures - Implementations of some most popular sorting, graphs, dynamic and greedy algorithms.
- Computional methods for Science and Technology - 4-th semester course about computional methods for Science and Technology.
- Cinema reservation system - Web application created using React and express for managing reservation. Created with React, Express and MongoDB.
- Concurrent Gaussian elimination - Cpp program for performing concurrent gaussian elimination with self-implemented thread pool and proof of correctness.