Install Docker (on linux) or Docker-toolbox (on Windows/Mac)
Linux only: Use docker without sudo
- Open a terminal (Docker Quickstart Terminal on Windows/Mac or standard terminal on Linux).
- Build Exareme image (this may take a few minutes the first time):
$ docker build -t exaspark:latest .
$ docker run --rm -p 9090:9090 -it exaspark
Leave this console open while you are working and then stop the container.
Find your docker machine IP
- On Linux is: localhost
- On Windows/Mac open a new Docker Quickstart Terminal and run:
$ docker-machine ip
It will return your docker-machine ip (from now on use this instead of localhost if you are on Windows or Mac).
To gracefully stop your docker container:
- Select your ExaSpark docker console.
- Press Ctrl+C.
- Close the console.