This is a fork of chrisdone's emacs config which I'm using as a basis for my own. The documentation below might not be up to date, so feel free to let me know if things do not go according to plan.
Note: For a basic Haskell + Emacs setup with no other specific config, see emacs-haskell-config repository.
To use
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ cd packages/haskell-mode; make
$ cd packages/structured-haskell-mode; cabal update; cabal install; cd elisp; make
$ cabal install hasktags haskell-docs
$ cabal install present
Optionally, for browsing haddocks inside Emacs:
$ sudo apt-get install w3m
This is perfect for the “just looking” use-case.
$ emacs -Q -l init.el
Put only this in your .emacs
(load "/path-to/emacs-config/init.el")
and run Emacs as normal.
Check out this project or symlink it as ~/.emacs.d/
and then run
Emacs as normal.