This is a repo, containing up-to-date results of game research information provided in form of C++ header-only library. By publishing this repo, we are hoping to find and attract more people that are interested in the Mafia 2 researching/modding/reversing, and possibly even contributing to make this thing even better.
This sdk support only steam version of the game.
Prjects using this library:
- Mafia 2 Online
$ git clone [email protected]:mafia2online/m2sdk.git
#include <m2sdk/m2sdk.h>
And add lib/m2sdk.lib to your linker.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <m2sdk/m2sdk.h>
void pluginRegisterCallback() {
printf("game pre init !\n");
M2::AttachHandler(M2_EVENT_CAR_ENTER, [](m2sdk_event *data) {
auto player = (M2::C_Player2 *)data->arg1;
auto car = (M2::C_Car *)data->arg2;
auto seat = (int)data->arg3;
printf("[game-event] ped entering the car on seat: %d\n", seat);
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE module, DWORD reason, LPVOID lpReserved) {
switch (reason) {
Code devided into 3 different categories, by folders:
- classes - partially reversed game classes
- wrappers - lightweight wrappers around game classes to make things simplier to work w/
- utils - that is obvious
All contributions are highly welcomed! Feel free to suggest fixes, features, improvements. And, of course, pull requests, we love 'em! ;)
Project is licensed under Apache 2.0 license. You can check it out there.