v1.12.1 - Second Verse, Same as the First
This is a copy of v1.12.0 ... nothing has changed. However, there was an initial v1.12.0 that was created accidentally, and then deleted, and it's causing some go proxies to complain. So hopefully this will fix that.
- 2f1ec40 ci: migrate from travis to github action (#391)
- fe9f942 evidently goreleaseer has changed in the last 4 years :) (#394)
- fd5011e Fix the rollback mechanism for tags during a release (#392)
- 404c119 sh.run(): quoted strings before join (#306)
- 0c5affe Add asdf installation instructions to docs (#383)
- e84bbc1 #288 add brew and scoop install to docs (#376)
- 80953f7 #378 bump travisci go16 (#379)
- dd94424 Create issue templates (#374)
- d9e2e41 fix: deterministic compiled mainfile (#348)
- 4cf3cfc make -h work with imported targets (#335)
- de7ca6c fix test for go 1.16 (#330)