To increase visibility in search engines, your website needs to be crawled quickly. Sitemaps are one of the tools to achieve this goal.
Currently, Magento 2.x supports developers to add XML Sitemaps in the backend. The XML sitemap for Magento is an XML file that contains links to all the pages of the website. Sitemap helps search engines index all the pages on the website, avoiding the case that some links are ignored.
However, Magento's default sitemap feature is not enough to support the website optimization process on search engines.
So Magepow's developer team released the Magento 2 Sitemap extension. This extension helps Magento websites declare sitemaps for search engines, and display the sitemap in the visitor's interface.
Add XML sitemap for search engines
Add additional links to XML sitemap
Set XML sitemap update frequency
Set priority order for XML sitemap
Enable exclusion of child categories by parent
Exclude Products from any URL
Exclude any URL Categories
Exclude any CMS page
Add HTML sitemap in the frontend
Add additional links to HTML and XML sitemap
Sort links on HTML sitemap by category
Limit the number of products displayed on the HTML sitemap
Compatible with Alothemes and 3rd party themes
Supports all store formats and languages
Create unlimited sitemaps with all store views.
Before you continue, ensure you meet the following requirements:
- You have installed Magento 2.
Login to Magento Admin > Stores > Configuration > Magepow > Sitemap > HTML Sitemap > Choose Yes/No to Show or hide HTML Site map.
- Categories Sitemap: choose yes to show the category list in HTML sitemap.
- Pages Sitemap: choose yes to show the cms page list in HTML sitemap.
- Products Sitemap: choose yes to show the product list in HTML sitemap.
- Limit Product Sitemap: show the product number to be displayed according to the settings.
- Additional Links: choose yes to show text add the link HTML site you want in the HTML sitemap.
- Add Sitemap Link to Footer: choose yes to show link html sitemap on footer website.
Login to Magento Admin > Stores > Configuration > Magepow > Sitemap > XML Sitemap > Enable Additional Links > Choose Yes/No to add link XML Sitemap.
Login to Magento Admin > Catalog > Products => Click a product in Exclude from Sitemap, choose yes/no will hide or show link product in HTML Sitemap and XML Sitemap.
- The same config part product config category and cms page also.
Login to Magento Admin > Catalog > Categories => Click a product in Exclude from Sitemap, choose yes/no will hide or show link category in HTML Sitemap and XML Sitemap.
Login to Magento Admin > Content > Pages => Click edit a cms page in Exclude from Sitemap, choose yes/no will hide or show link cms page in HTML Sitemap and XML Sitemap.
- XML Sitemap:
- HTML Sitemap:
On the Home page click HTML Sitemap in the footer website.
Will displays the HTML Site map according to your settings.
If this project help you reduce time to develop, you can give me a cup of coffee :).