Repository for nbcli (nothing but CLI) meta-instrument project at, which is currently being developed for use with sigv, a macOS tool.
The project sends messages using OSC (Open Sound Control), to sigv and other instruments.
$ git clone ~/sigv
nbcli uses sendosc (installed via Homebrew on macOS):
$ brew install yoggy/tap/sendosc
$ source ~/sigv/nbcli/.sigvsh
(sigv needs to be installed of course, preferably in your main /Applications directory)
- $ sigv (this should open sigv, which is only a very small translucent window with a "quit" button at the bottom right of your screen)
- $ new wrld 0 0 wrld (this should open a window)
- $ qs (quits the sigv application)
nbcli currently has a small list of functions and a full list of commands to access the sigv instrument. It also contains a directory of o-sigv files to be read as concats (cat
command) via terminal, used as reference when using Orca in live coding performance. Web version is here:
sigv is built with Max, as such nbcli consists of a directory (/max) in which these commands exist.
- Open a terminal window
- $ source ~/sigv/nbcli/.sigvsh
- $ new wrld 0 0 wrld
- $ new geo 0 0 geo
- $ geo reset (this should display a plane in wireframe)
- $ geo anim turn 0 1 0
- $ geo mesh draw_mode quad_grid
- $ geo
This project is currently in development.