Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript

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👋 This repo is maintained by @swyx, @eps1lon and @filiptammergard. We're so happy you want to try out TypeScript with React! If you see anything wrong or missing, please file an issue! 👍
- The Basic Cheatsheet is focused on helping React devs just start using TS in React apps
- Focus on opinionated best practices, copy+pastable examples.
- Explains some basic TS types usage and setup along the way.
- Answers the most Frequently Asked Questions.
- Does not cover generic type logic in detail. Instead we prefer to teach simple troubleshooting techniques for newbies.
- The goal is to get effective with TS without learning too much TS.
- The Advanced Cheatsheet helps show and explain advanced usage of generic types for people writing reusable type utilities/functions/render prop/higher order components and TS+React libraries.
- It also has miscellaneous tips and tricks for pro users.
- Advice for contributing to DefinitelyTyped.
- The goal is to take full advantage of TypeScript.
- The Migrating Cheatsheet helps collate advice for incrementally migrating large codebases from JS or Flow, from people who have done it.
- We do not try to convince people to switch, only to help people who have already decided.
⚠️ This is a new cheatsheet, all assistance is welcome.
- The HOC Cheatsheet) specifically teaches people to write HOCs with examples.
- Familiarity with Generics is necessary.
⚠️ This is the newest cheatsheet, all assistance is welcome.