- Kotlin
- Ktor (Framework for building asynchronous servers and clients in connected systems using kotlin)
- Koin (Dependency Injection)
- jetbrains exposed
- H2 db as inmemory data storage
- uchuhimo (for Config)
- Flyway (For database migration)
The implementation show only the transfer part out of the huge process , ignoring any other
before and after processing
Portfolio is the wallet that is owned by user/s(can be shared between multiple users, but has only one registered owner) and it's related to the customer by a contract(business partner) portfolio can have one or many positions (1->m relationship)
Entities represented in the sample:
It represents the assets information including asset type , portfolio , account type(ex: money account)
current balance ...etc
Ideally , position/asset type should have it's own entities, but for simplicity and this point is out of the task scope
i decided to implement them as enums
The transfer in our case is being implemented in direct way , in real world , it should be stored and triggered (cron job for example)
in certain time frame , or waiting response from other service and then update the balances
Please Generate self contained Jar (gradle clean build is good option :D )
Start the server by java -jar build/libs/Revolute.jar
Use Curl or Insomnia (it's cool) to trigger your calls
Code is covered by Tests (Please approach me for clarifications)-(hit ./gradlew test will not bite :D)
Hint , Use the following Endpoints to navigate (Don't worry you are almost covered)
GET "/api/positions/{id}" -> Get position by id GET "/api/positions" -> Get All positions/you can decided if u want blocked/locked positions too POST "/api/positions" -> Create new Position PATCH "/api/positions/block/{id}" -> block Position PATCH "/api/positions/unblock/{id}"-> unblock Position POST "/api/transfer" -> Make transfer GET "/api/transfer/{id}" -> Get transfer
(It's very cool illustration of concurrency in kotlin coroutines)