is a very simple implementation of a text stream formtatting library, usually out of a tty into stdout.
Its mostly a simple implemention and not have all the robust options as fatih/color
ANSI colorized output package.
It gets the job done and I use it frequently to generate colorized output myself, especially for colorizing CLI outputs.
go get
// Import the library into your code
import ""
// Initialite a colorify struct. Structs can be initialized either with only string attributes(bold/italics/reverse)
// Or also with color values set.
// Example --> Struct with no color set. You can also set the NoColor flag to force color output or supress it.
//Keeping it UnSet allows the library to determine if its a tty and output colored output in that case.
noColStruct := colorify.Colorify{Attr: colorify.Underline, NoColor: "false"}
// Example --> Struct with color preset.
withColStruct := colorify.Colorify{Color: colorify.Green, Attr: colorify.Bold}
// Supported attributes -->
1. `colorify.Regular`: Regular text format.
2. `colorify.Italics`: Italicized text format.
3. `colorify.Transparent`: Transparent text format.
4. `colorify.Reverse`: Background reversed text format.
// Invoking the print functions after this is just as easy as calling the appropriate ones with particular arguments.
// Please note that the library has support column based coloring scheme, which means you can have as many colors in
// one single line as you want.
io.WriteString(os.Stdout, noColStruct.Sprintln("This is regular", colorify.Green, "This is green!"))
noColStruct.Println(colorify.Red, "[Error]", colorify.Yellow, "This is a new error")
io.WriteString(os.Stdout, col.Sprintln("\n", colorify.Blue, "This", "is", "Sparta"))
// Example with color initialized in struct.
withColStruct.Println("Should be green and bold!")
For more examples checkout the examples/
GH Actions pipelines->Done
- Tests.
- More functions.
- Fix logged issues.
The MIT License (MIT) - see
for more details