The Tarpaulin API supports the backend functionalities of Tarpaulin, a lightweight course management tool designed as an alternative to Canvas. It offers robust endpoints for course information retrieval, assignment management, student submissions, and secure authentication using MySQL for data storage.
- Course Management: Retrieve course details, instructor information, and student enrollment.
- Assignment Operations: Create, update, and delete assignments with deadlines and grading criteria.
- Student Submissions: Allow students to submit assignments and view submission statuses.
- Authentication: Secure API endpoints with JWT authentication for authorized access.
- Error Handling: Comprehensive error handling to provide clear feedback to users.
- Node.js
- Express.js
- JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for authentication
- Postman for API testing
- Swagger for API documentation
- Git and GitHub for version control and repository management
To get started with Tarpaulin API, clone the repository and follow these steps:
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Set up your environment variables for MySQL connection details and JWT secret key.
docker run -d --name mysqlserver -p 3306:3306 -e "MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD=yes" -e "MYSQL_DATABASE=tarpaulin" -e "MYSQL_USER=**\<username>**" -e "MYSQL_PASSWORD=**\<password>**" mysql
docker run -d --name redis-container -p 6379:6379 redis
docker run -d --name rabbitmq-server -p "5672:5672" -p "15672:15672" rabbitmq:management
npm run dev
Developing the Tarpaulin API project provided valuable insights into several key areas:
- API Design and Development: Structuring RESTful endpoints to efficiently manage course data and assignments.
- Database Integration: Utilizing MySQL for data storage and retrieval, including schema design and query optimization.
- Authentication and Security: Implementing JWT authentication to secure API endpoints and manage user access.
- Error Handling and Validation: Implementing robust error handling mechanisms and data validation to ensure data integrity and user experience.
- API Testing: Performing thorough testing with Postman to ensure reliability and functionality.