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Compiling an app to download via the bootloader

majbthrd edited this page May 26, 2015 · 1 revision

There are two main approaches to compiling an app to download via this bootloader.

the GUI approach (Microchip MPLAB X)

Set the Codeoffset as shown: --codeoffset Set the ROM ranges as shown: --rom

the Makefile approach

Write your Makefile to incorporate the "--rom" and "--codeoffset" settings as shown:

CC = xc8
LIB_INC_PATH = "./include"

CHIP = 16F1454

CFLAGS = --chip=$(CHIP) -Q -G  --double=24 --float=24
CFLAGS += --rom=default,-0-1FF,-1F7F-1F7F
CFLAGS += --codeoffset=0x200
CFLAGS += --opt=default,+asm,-asmfile,+speed,-space,-debug --addrqual=ignore
CFLAGS += --mode=pro -N64 -I. -I$(LIB_INC_PATH) --warn=0 --asmlist --summary=default,-psect,-class,+mem,-hex,-file --output=default,-inhx032 
CFLAGS += --runtime=default,+clear,+init,-keep,-no_startup,+osccal,-resetbits,-download,-stackcall,+clib

MOUSEPLAY_OBJS = usb.p1 usb_hid.p1 usb_descriptors.p1 main.p1

MOUSEPLAY_HDRS = usb_config.h

all: mouseplay.hex

mouseplay.hex: $(MOUSEPLAY_OBJS)

%.p1: %.c $(MOUSEPLAY_HDRS) Makefile
	$(CC) --pass1 $(CFLAGS) -o./$@ $<

	rm -f *.p1 *.d *.pre *.sym *.cmf *.cof *.hxl *.lst *.obj *.rlf *.sdb
	rm -f funclist

after either of the above approaches, one should have a .hex file that one can convert to a DFU binary using the provided 454hex2bin utility

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