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Casper Account Info Contract allows account owners on the Casper Network to provide information about themselves to the public.


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Casper Account Info Contract

Casper Account Info Contract allows account owners to provide information about themselves to the public by specifying a URL to a Casper Account Info Standard file.

Table of contents

Interacting with the contract

You need to have casper-client and jq installed on your system to run the examples. The instructions have been tested on Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS.

Install the prerequisites

You can install the required software by issuing the following commands. If you are on an up-to-date Casper node, you probably already have all of the prerequisites installed so you can skip this step.

# Update package repositories
sudo apt update

# Install the command-line JSON processor
sudo apt install jq -y

# Add Casper repository
echo "deb" focal main | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/casper.list
curl -O
sudo apt-key add casper-repo-pubkey.asc
sudo apt update

# Install the Casper client software
sudo apt install casper-client -y

Known contract hashes

To interact with the contract you need to call it by its hash. The table below contains the known contract hashes (without the hash- prefix) on public Casper networks:

Network Account info contract hash Contract owner
Testnet 2f36a35edcbaabe17aba805e3fae42699a2bb80c2e0c15189756fdc4895356f8 Make Software
Mainnet fb8e0215c040691e9bbe945dd22a00989b532b9c2521582538edb95b61156698 Casper Association
Network Json File Name
Testnet account-info.casper-test.json
Mainnet account-info.casper.json

As Casper account owner

Please set the following environment variables, which are reused across the examples:

CHAIN_NAME=$(curl -s http://$NODE_ADDRESS:8888/status | jq -r '.chainspec_name')

The values provided above assume that you are running commands on your Testnet validator node. If you are on your Mainnet validator node, please adjust the value of the ACCOUNT_INFO_CONTRACT_HASH to match the Mainnet contract.

Set URL for your account

Payment: The set_url entry point call payment should be 15 CSPR. The deploy may fail with an "Out of gas" error if a smaller amount provided. For the consecutive set_url calls the advised payment amount is 0.5 CSPR

The command below sets the top level domain URL for an account information file hosted at (Please note that the url you provide here will be prominently displayed on the block explorers as your official website, and your account's public key must exist in the JSON data either in the nodes or affiliated accounts section for it to be successfully verified by and other dApps in the Casper ecosystem.)

sudo -u casper casper-client put-deploy \
    --chain-name "$CHAIN_NAME" \
    --node-address "http://$NODE_ADDRESS:7777/" \
    --secret-key "$ACCOUNT_KEYS_PATH/secret_key.pem" \
    --session-hash "$ACCOUNT_INFO_CONTRACT_HASH" \
    --session-entry-point "set_url" \
    --payment-amount 15000000000 \

Delete the URL previously set for your account

Payment: The advised payments for the delete_url entry point call is 0.5 CSPR. The deploy may fail with an "Out of gas" error if a smaller amount provided.

sudo -u casper casper-client put-deploy \
    --chain-name "$CHAIN_NAME" \
    --node-address "http://$NODE_ADDRESS:7777/" \
    --secret-key "$ACCOUNT_KEYS_PATH/secret_key.pem" \
    --session-hash "$ACCOUNT_INFO_CONTRACT_HASH" \
    --session-entry-point "delete_url" \
    --payment-amount 500000000

Get the URL set for an account

Using casper-client

The URL string can be received by querying the account-info-urls dictionary key named as the corresponding account hash, which can be accessed by URef with the same name stored under the contract named keys.

Get the STATE_ROOT_HASH value
STATE_ROOT_HASH=$(casper-client get-state-root-hash --node-address http://$NODE_ADDRESS:7777 | jq -r '.result | .state_root_hash')
Get the account-info-contract-url dictionary URef
ACCOUNT_INFO_URLS_DICT_UREF=$(casper-client query-state \
  --node-address http://$NODE_ADDRESS:7777 \
  --state-root-hash "$STATE_ROOT_HASH" \
| jq -rc '.result | .stored_value | .Contract | .named_keys | map(select(.name | contains("account-info-urls"))) | .[] .key')
Query the dictionary
PUBLIC_KEY=<put here the public key you want to query URL for>

casper-client get-dictionary-item \
  --node-address http://$NODE_ADDRESS:7777 \
  --state-root-hash "$STATE_ROOT_HASH" \
  --seed-uref  "$ACCOUNT_INFO_URLS_DICT_UREF" \
  --dictionary-item-key "$(casper-client account-address -public-key $PUBLIC_KEY | sed -r 's/account-hash-//g')"
Using the tools/ and tools/ scripts
Get the URL
./ --node-address=$NODE_ADDRESS --contract-hash=$ACCOUNT_INFO_CONTRACT_HASH --public-key=$PUBLIC_KEY
Get the account information file content
./ --node-address=$NODE_ADDRESS --contract-hash=$ACCOUNT_INFO_CONTRACT_HASH --public-key=$PUBLIC_KEY

You can query the specific fields with jq. The command below print the public key owner name:

./ --node-address=$NODE_ADDRESS --contract-hash=$ACCOUNT_INFO_CONTRACT_HASH --public-key=$PUBLIC_KEY | jq -r '.owner | .name'

As the contract admin

Please set the following environment variables, which are reused across the examples:

CHAIN_NAME=$(curl -s http://$NODE_ADDRESS:8888/status | jq -r '.chainspec_name')

The values provided above assume that you are running commands on your Testnet node.

Set URL for account

Payment: The advised payments for the set_url_for_account entry point call is 0.5 CSPR. The deploy may fail with an "Out of gas" error if a smaller amount provided.

PUBLIC_KEY=<put here the public key you want to set URL for>

casper-client put-deploy \
    --chain-name "$CHAIN_NAME" \
    --node-address "http://$NODE_ADDRESS:7777/" \
    --secret-key "$CONTRACT_OWNER_KEYS_PATH/secret_key.pem" \
    --session-hash "$ACCOUNT_INFO_CONTRACT_HASH" \
    --session-entry-point "set_url_for_account" \
    --payment-amount 500000000 \
    --session-arg=account:"account_hash='$(casper-client account-address -public-key $PUBLIC_KEY)'" \

Delete URL for account

Payment: The advised payments for the delete_url_for_account entry point call is 0.5 CSPR. The deploy may fail with an "Out of gas" error if a smaller amount provided.

PUBLIC_KEY=<put here the public key you want to delete URL for>

casper-client put-deploy \
    --chain-name "$CHAIN_NAME" \
    --node-address "http://$NODE_ADDRESS:7777/" \
    --secret-key "$CONTRACT_OWNER_KEYS_PATH/secret_key.pem" \
    --session-hash "$ACCOUNT_INFO_CONTRACT_HASH" \
    --session-entry-point "delete_url_for_account" \
    --payment-amount 500000000 \
    --session-arg=account:"account_hash='$(casper-client account-address --public-key $PUBLIC_KEY)'"

Add account as an admin

Payment: The advised payments for the add_admin entry point call is 0.5 CSPR. The deploy may fail with an "Out of gas" error if a smaller amount provided.

PUBLIC_KEY=<put here the public key of the account your want to make an admin>

casper-client put-deploy \
    --chain-name "$CHAIN_NAME" \
    --node-address "http://$NODE_ADDRESS:7777/" \
    --secret-key "$CONTRACT_OWNER_KEYS_PATH/secret_key.pem" \
    --session-hash "$ACCOUNT_INFO_CONTRACT_HASH" \
    --session-entry-point "add_admin" \
    --payment-amount 500000000 \
    --session-arg=account:"account_hash='$(casper-client account-address --public-key $PUBLIC_KEY)'"

Disable admin account

Payment: The advised payments for the disable_admin entry point call is 0.5 CSPR. The deploy may fail with an "Out of gas" error if a smaller amount provided.

PUBLIC_KEY=<put here the public key of the admin account your want to disable>

casper-client put-deploy \
    --chain-name "$CHAIN_NAME" \
    --node-address "http://$NODE_ADDRESS:7777/" \
    --secret-key "$CONTRACT_OWNER_KEYS_PATH/secret_key.pem" \
    --session-hash "$ACCOUNT_INFO_CONTRACT_HASH" \
    --session-entry-point "disable_admin" \
    --payment-amount 500000000 \
    --session-arg=account:"account_hash='$(casper-client account-address -public-key $PUBLIC_KEY)'"

Set amount of CSPR to burn during the first set_url call

To avoid spamming the contract with URL entries the first set_url for an account will burn an amount of CSPR specified in the contract configuration (default is 9 CSPR). This entry point changes that amount.

Payment: The advised payments for the set_cspr_to_burn entry point call is 0.5 CSPR. The deploy may fail with an "Out of gas" error if a smaller amount provided.

PUBLIC_KEY=<put here the public key of the admin account your want to disable>

casper-client put-deploy \
    --chain-name "$CHAIN_NAME" \
    --node-address "http://$NODE_ADDRESS:7777/" \
    --secret-key "$CONTRACT_OWNER_KEYS_PATH/secret_key.pem" \
    --session-hash "$ACCOUNT_INFO_CONTRACT_HASH" \
    --session-entry-point "set_cspr_to_burn" \
    --payment-amount 500000000 \

Check if account is an admin

Using casper-client

The URL string can be received by querying the account-info-admins dictionary key named as the corresponding account hash, which can be accessed by URef with the same name stored under the contract named keys.

Get the account-info-contract-url dictionary URef
ACCOUNT_INFO_ADMINS_DICT_UREF=$(casper-client query-state \
  --node-address http://$NODE_ADDRESS:7777 \
  --state-root-hash "$STATE_ROOT_HASH" \
| jq -rc '.result | .stored_value | .Contract | .named_keys | map(select(.name | contains("account-info-admins"))) | .[] .key')
Query the dictionary
PUBLIC_KEY=<the public key of the account you want to check>

casper-client get-dictionary-item \
  --node-address http://$NODE_ADDRESS:7777 \
  --state-root-hash "$STATE_ROOT_HASH" \
  --dictionary-item-key "$(casper-client account-address -public-key $PUBLIC_KEY | sed -r 's/account-hash-//g')"
Using the tools/ script
./ --node-address=$NODE_ADDRESS --contract-hash=$ACCOUNT_INFO_CONTRACT_HASH --public-key=$PUBLIC_KEY

Get the amount of CSPR that should be burned on the first set_url call

Using casper-client

The URL string can be received by querying the cspr_to_burn value, which can be accessed by URef with the same name stored under the contract named keys.

Get the account-info-contract-url dictionary URef
CSPR_TO_BURN_VALUE_UREF=$(casper-client query-state \
  --node-address http://$NODE_ADDRESS:7777 \
  --state-root-hash "$STATE_ROOT_HASH" \
| jq -rc '.result | .stored_value | .Contract | .named_keys | map(select(.name | contains("cspr_to_burn"))) | .[] .key')
Query the network
STATE_ROOT_HASH=$(casper-client get-state-root-hash --node-address http://$NODE_ADDRESS:7777 | jq -r '.result | .state_root_hash')

casper-client query-state --node-address http://$NODE_ADDRESS:7777 --key "$CSPR_TO_BURN_VALUE_UREF" --state-root-hash "$STATE_ROOT_HASH" | jq -r '.result | .stored_value'
Using the tools/ script
./ --node-address=$NODE_ADDRESS --contract-hash=$ACCOUNT_INFO_CONTRACT_HASH

Contract deployment

See Casper documentation about Deploying Contracts and Contracts on the Blockchain.

After the contract is deployed, the contract owner account will be assigned as the first admin and will have the following named keys added:

Named key Description
account-info-latest-version-contract The hash of the latest version of the contract
account-info-latest-version-contract-hash A URef to the value that stores the hash of the latest version of the contract
account-info-package The contract package hash
account-info-package-hash A URef to the value that stores the contract package hash
account-info-admins Seed URef to the dictionary that stores contract admins
account-info-urls Seed URef to the dictionary that stores account information URLs

Contract API

The contract has two sets of entry points:

  • public entry points, which should be used by Casper account owners to provide information about themselves
  • admin entry points, which should be used by the contract administrators

Public entry points


Sets a domain URL under which the account information file should be stored for the contract caller. Note, that only the top level domain without the .well-known/casper/account-info.<NETWORK_NAME>.json part should be provided


Name Type Description
url String Top level domain URL under which the account information file is stored


Returns the top level domain URL under which the account information file is stored for the given public key


Name Type Description
account AccountHash The account hash of the account the account information URL is requested for


Deletes the top level domain URL under which the account information standard file is stored for the contract caller

Arguments: this entry point has no arguments

Admin entry points

The entry points below are available only to the accounts defined as admins.


Sets a URL to the account information standard file for the provided account.


Name Type Description
url String Top level domain URL under which the account information file is stored
account AccountHash The account has of the account, the information standard file URL should be set for


Deletes the account information standard file URL from the provided account.


Name Type Description
account AccountHash The account has of the account, the information standard file URL should be deleted from


Add another admin account. Fails if the account already added as an admin.


Name Type Description
account AccountHash The account hash of the new admin account.


Disables existing admin account. Fails if the account is not an admin or if there is only one admin account left.


Name Type Description
account AccountHash The account of the existing admin account, that should be disabled


Sets amount of CSPR that should be burned during the set_url entry point execution, increasing the execution price


Name Type Description
cspr_to_burn U32 The account CSPR that should be burned during the set_url entry point execution



make prepare


make build-contract

The WASM file will be available in the target directory:



make test


Casper Account Info Contract allows account owners on the Casper Network to provide information about themselves to the public.




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