This application is a proxy of make-front app to be able to add dynamic data rendered from server like meta-tags.
The application is built into a Docker image. The stack contains:
- node (v9.5.0+)
- npm (5.6.0+)
In dev environnement you should have a symlink of the dist folder from the make-front app:
ln -s /path/to/make-front/target/scala-2.12/scalajs-bundler/main/dist /path/to/make-front-proxy/front
To launch the application:
npm install
npm start
# OR
npm run dev # app auto restart
To build the application:
docker build --rm -t .
And visit http://localhost:9009/FR
The application expose a metric endpoint http://localhost:9009/metrics ready for prometheuse integration.
This project is licenced under the AGPL license V3 or later. See license