Openstack swift client in scala
All the openstack clients are made for the java world, with alot of "java-entreprise" components using blocking IOs.
This client uses non-blocking IOs, using akka-http and dependencies from the scala world (mostly akka and circe)
In order to use it, add to your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "org.make" %% "openstack-swift-client" % "1.0.3"
To create a client:
val client = SwiftClient.create()
if you want to re-use you actor system for it and reuse the akka-http client configuration, you can pass it to create.
if you do not pass an actor system, make sure that the default configuration will contain all the required config keys
see Typesafe Config for more information
Then, you have the following methods available:
def init(): Future[Unit]
def listBuckets(): Future[Seq[Bucket]]
def createBucket(name: String): Future[Unit]
def getBucket(name: String): Future[Option[Bucket]]
def listFiles(bucket: Bucket): Future[Seq[Resource]]
def sendFile(bucket: Bucket, path: String, contentType: String, content: Array[Byte]): Future[Unit]
def sendFile(bucket: Bucket, path: String, contentType: String, content: InputStream): Future[Unit]
def sendFile(bucket: Bucket, path: String, contentType: String, content: File): Future[Unit]
will make sure that the required containers are created.
If you don't need to create containers, then there is no need to call this method.
will list all the containers for the configured account on the configured region
creates a new container
will retrieve a container information. This is shortcut for:
listBuckets().map(_.find( == name))
will send a resource to a given container for a given path.
The path can be anything like reports/2018/10/25/index.html
it cannot accept spaces, special characters haven't been tested.
The client will automatically take care of authenticating and refreshing the token when it expires.
If no actor system is defined, the configuration is loaded from the application.conf
in the resources.
The required configuration is:
make-openstack {
authentication {
keystone-version = "keystone-V2"
base-url = "https://keystone-host/auth/v2.0"
tenant-name = "tenant-name"
username = "user-name"
password = "user-password"
region = "REG1"
storage {
init-containers = ["my-container"]
see reference.conf for more information on fields.
To release a new version of the library, all you have to do is push a tag to the repository