warning: this contract is still at an early stage and is provided
for reference only. DO NOT use it with real tokens as they may be
permanently lost or stolen.
This Ethereum contract provides a set of auctions for use with standard tokens.
The auction was designed for the Maker DAO, providing a simple and passive liquidation mechanism to sell off collateral and debt. However, the contract is generic and agnostic about its user provided they adhere to the token standard.
The auction provides three auction types - regular forward and reverse auctions and a composite two-way auction that switches from forward to reverse once a threshold bid is reached.
In a forward auction, bidders compete on the amount they are willing to pay for the lot.
In a reverse auction, bidders compete on the amount of lot they are willing to receive for a given payment.
A two-way auction initially behaves as a forward auction. Once a given quantity of the buy token has been bid the auction reverses and becomes a reverse auction.
The auctions are splitting. Bidders can bid on a fraction of the full lot, provided their bid is an increase in valuation. Doing so splits the auction: the previous bidder has their bid quantity reduced at the same valuation; subsequent bidders can bid on this reduced quantity or on the new split quantity. There is no limit to the number of times an auction can be split.
The splittable unit of an auction is an auctionlet. Each auction initially has a single auctionlet. Auctionlets are the object on which bidders place bids. Splitting an auctionlet produces a new auctionlet of reduced quantity and reduces the available quantity in the original auctionlet.
The auctions are continuous. The auction beneficiaries are continually rewarded as new bids are made: by increasing amounts of the buy token in a forward auction, and by increasing amounts of forgone sell token in a reverse auction. Highest bidders are continually rewarded as well: bids are locked once they have existed for a given time with no higher bids, at which point the highest bidder can claim their dues.
There are three ways of interacting with the auction contract: management, auction creation, and bidding. Auction users should subscribe to the auction events to be kept aware of auction creation, new bids, splits, and reversals.
Create a new splitting auction manager:
import 'token-auction/manager.sol';
manager = new SplittingAuctionManager();
Create a new non-splitting auction manager:
manager = new AuctionManager();
In a non-splitting auction bidders must always bid on the full lot - they cannot split and bid on a sub-division. The base auctionlet is the only possible auctionlet, and all bids will happen on this.
The creator of the manager has no special permissions - they cannot shutdown or withdraw funds from the manager.
Auction creators connect to an active manager:
import 'token-auction/manager.sol';
manager = SplittingAuctionManager(know_manager_address);
All created auctions return a pair of uint (id , base)
uniquely identify the new auction and its base auctionlet. These
identifiers are used when bidding and claiming.
Note: you will not be able to use named arguments on auction creation due to an upstream [solidity issue][name-args-issue].
Create a new forward auction:
var (id, base) = manager.newAuction( beneficiary
, sell_token
, buy_token
, sell_amount
, start_bid
, min_increase
, ttl
address beneficiary
is an address to send auction proceeds to, i.e. it will receivebuy_token
.ERC20 buy_token
is the standard token that bidders use to pay with.ERC20 sell_token
is the standard token that the bidders are bidding to receive.uint sell_amount
is the amount ofsell_token
to be taken from the creator into escrow. The creator mustapprove
this amount before creating the auction.uint start_bid
is the minimum bid on the auction. The first bid must be at least this much plus the minimum increase.uint min_increase
is the integer percentage amount that each bid must increase on the last by (in terms ofbuy_token
).uint ttl
is the time after the previous bid when a bid will be locked and claimable by its highest bidder.
Create a new reverse auction:
var (id, base) = manager.newReverseAuction( beneficiary
, sell_token
, buy_token
, max_sell_amount
, buy_amount
, min_decrease
, ttl
Arguments are as for the forward auction with the following extras:
uint max_sell_amount
is the maximum amount ofsell_token
that the creator is willing to sell, from which bids work downwards. This will be taken from the creator on initialisation.uint buy_amount
is the amount ofbuy_token
to be paid for the full lot, whatever that ends up being.uint min_decrease
is the integer percentage amount that each bid must decrease on the last by (in terms ofsell_token
).- The
receives at mostbuy_amount
of thebuy_token
and also receivessell_token
as it is forgone by bidders.
Create a new two-way auction:
var (id, base) = manager.newTwoWayAuction( beneficiary
, sell_token
, buy_token
, sell_amount
, start_bid
, min_increase
, min_decrease
, ttl
, collection_limit
Arguments are as for the forward and reverse auctions with the following extras:
uint collection_limit
is the total bid quantity ofbuy_token
at which the auction will reverse.
Auctions creators also have access to the bidding functions below.
Auction users connect to an active manager either as a creator or as a user:
import 'token-auction/types.sol';
manager = SplittingAuctionFrontendType(known_manager_address);
Users interact with active auctions via bid
and claim
Bid on a non splitting auction:
manager.bid(id, bid_amount)
uint id
is the auctionlet identifier described above.uint bid_amount
This will throw if the bid_amount
is not greater than the last bid
by min_increase
. The bid_amount
is transferred from the bidder,
so they must approve
it first. The excess buy_token
given by the
bid (over the last) is sent directly to the beneficiary
Bid on a splitting auction:
var (new_id, split_id) = manager.bid(id, bid_amount, split_amount)
uint split_amount
is the quantity ofsell_token
on which the new bid is being made. If the amount is equal to the existing quantity, then a regular bid is performed; if it is less, then a split bid is performed.
Bidding on a splitting auction returns a pair of identifiers:
uint split_id
refers to the auctionlet on which the caller is now the highest bidder.uint new_id
refers to the auctionlet on which the previous bidder remains as the highest bidder (bidding for a reduced amount ofsell_token
Claim an elapsed auctionlet:
This will send the sell_token
associated with id
to the
highest bidder. claim
will throw if ttl
has not elapsed
since the last high bid on id
Creation of a new auction:
LogNewAuction(uint indexed id, uint base_id)
uint id
is the auction id.uint base_id
is the id of the base auctionlet (on which bidding should start)
Reversal of a two-way auction:
LogAuctionReversal(uint indexed auction_id)
uint auction_id
is the id of the auction that has been reversed.
Successful new bid on an auctionlet:
LogBid(uint indexed auctionlet_id)
uint auctionlet_id
is the id of the auctionlet that has been bid on.
Successful split of an auctionlet:
LogSplit(uint base_id, uint new_id, uint split_id)
uint base_id
is the id of the auctionlet that has been splituint new_id
is the id of the auctionlet that the previous bidder retains.uint split_id
is the id of the new auctionlet that the splitter is now the high bidder on.
Note that while new_id == base_id
at present, this isn't
guaranteed to be the case in the future and you should use new_id
as the new identifier.
Forward and two-way auctions can be configured to have multiple beneficiary addresses, each of which will receive, in turn, a given payout of auction rewards as higher bids come in.
Create a multiple beneficiary auction:
var (id, base) = manager.newAuction( beneficiaries
, payouts
, sell_token
, buy_token
, sell_amount
, start_bid
, min_increase
, ttl);
address[] beneficiaries
is the array of beneficiary addressesuint[] payouts
is the array of corresponding payouts
Note these constraints:
must be equal in lengthpayouts[0]
must be greater than thestart_bid
The two-way auction is created similarly, with the sum of the
payouts being taken to be the collection_limit
var (id, base) = manager.newTwoWayAuction( beneficiaries
, payouts
, sell_token
, buy_token
, sell_amount
, start_bid
, min_increase
, min_decrease
, ttl
The beneficiaries array is only used in the forward auction or in the forward part of the two-way auction.
In the reverse auction (or the reverse part of the two-way auction),
bidders compete to receive diminishing amounts of the sell_token
in return for given buy_token
. As bids come in, increasing
quantities of the sell_token
are forgone by bidders.
The default behaviour is to refund this excess sell_token
to the
(first) beneficiary. It is possible for the auction creator to set
the refund address arbitrarily when creating the auction.
Reverse auction:
var (id, base) = manager.newReverseAuction( beneficiary
, refund
, sell_token
, buy_token
, max_sell_amount
, buy_amount
, min_decrease
, ttl
Single beneficiary two-way auction:
var (id, base) = manager.newTwoWayAuction( beneficiary
, refund
, sell_token
, buy_token
, sell_amount
, start_bid
, min_increase
, min_decrease
, ttl
, collection_limit
Multi beneficiary two-way auction:
var (id, base) = manager.newTwoWayAuction( beneficiaries
, payouts
, refund
, sell_token
, buy_token
, sell_amount
, start_bid
, min_increase
, min_decrease
, ttl
address refund
is the address that forgonesell_token
will be sent to, continuously.
The default behaviour is for a new auction to persist indefinitely, until bids have been made for all of the collateral. If there are no bids then the collateral will remain locked forever.
The forward auction can take an extra argument that determines when
the auction as a whole will expire. After this time, bids will be
rejected and all collateral will be claimable by its last bidder. In
the case of unbid collateral the last bidder is taken to be the
first beneficiary, who will receive the collateral after a call to
Creating a finite-duration auction:
var (id, base) = manager.newAuction( beneficiary
, sell_token
, buy_token
, sell_amount
, start_bid
, min_increase
, ttl
, expiration
uint expiration
is the absolute time after which the auction will be expired, i.e. not relative to the block timestamp on creation.
Approximate and subject to change.
- new SplittingAuctionManager: ~4.3M
- create an auction: ~500k
- base bid: ~130k
- subsequent bids: ~70k
- base split: ~450k
- claim: ~75k
- subsequent splits: ~420k
- bid transition (two-way): 100-150k
- split transition (two-way): 450-470k