Calculation of realtime customer dwelling time using deepSort and YoloV5.
Dwelling Time : Amount of time a person spent in a particular section of a shop/mall
- Video frames are feed to the deepSort and YoloV5 to obtain the Bounding Box for each person detected in the frame.
- Each frame was segmented into 8 Section .
- Using Basic geometrical Algorithm we determine the amount of time a person spent,entered,exited a particular section of the shop
- Record the person id ,time spent ,entry time ,exit time ,section in a csv file.
- This will help the shopkeeper to keep a record of the products which are sold more so that they can maintain their stock.
- Arrange the product in particular fashion to increase their sells.
- Automate product ordering in case of festive shopping seasons.
- Development of UI
- Impoving Tracking algorithm
- Developing Embedded model