Tensorflow implementation of MobileFaceNet
- tensorflow >= r1.5
- opencv-python 3.x
- python 3.x
- scipy
- sklearn
- numpy
- mxnet
- pickle
Download the MS1M-refine-v2 datasets here
Run python utils/data_process.py
Run python train_nets.py
and there are some flags you can use:
to set the maximum number of epoch, default is 12
the number of calsses, if you use MS1M-V2 you need to set the class_number
to 85742
the embedding size, default of MobileFaceNet is 128
weight decay of the optimizer, default is 5e-5
batch size for the training, default is 90
path to MS1M-V2 tfrecord (generated by data_process.py
the optimizer for training, default is ADAM
the loss type, there are insightface loss, cosineface loss, and combine loss. Default is insightface
insightface loss, cosineface loss, or combine loss margin. Default is 0.5
Run python test_nets.py
and you need to use these flags:
Could be either a directory containing the meta_file and ckpt_file or a model protobuf (.pb) file
Data test base path (consisting of lfw.bin, cfp_ff.bin, cfp_fp.bin, and agedb_30.bin files