How much time we have wasted to change copyright years in our project? How much times we forget to update it and then we're in the middle of a new year using last year copyright dated? That's sucks!!one!!
Put doc header check in your build and get it out of your way!
composer require --dev --sort-packages malukenho/docheader
Put your header in one .docheader
file in the directory that you're
running the checker/fixer. It file must contain only the dockblock as
you want, like following example:
* Zend Framework (
* @link for the canonical source repository
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
* @license New BSD License
and then run the checker:
./vendor/bin/docheader check src/
So, you get errors or a message saying that everything is ok!
By default, the docheader
search for a .docheader
file on the current directory that
the command is executed. But you can specify a folder or a file to be used as placeholder
using the option --docheader [file-or-path]
You can also put %year%
on your .docheader
file to refer to the current
Year, like that:
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-%year% Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
If you're using >=0.1.5
version, you can use the %regexp:%
placeholder to match some content.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 20%regexp:\d{2}%-2016 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
In this case %regexp:\d{2}%
assert that it should be a number of two digits between 20
and -