app that allows users to specify travel locations around the world, and create virtual photo albums for each location. The locations and photo albums will be stored in Core Data.
Each map pin can be generated by a single longpress tap on any map location. After a user interaction(the tap) is confirmed, the download process of the corresponding photos will be started and run in the application background acompanied by a download progress bar
After the download of location photos is completed you can visit the photo collection by tapping the pin. Within this view you can reload the complete photostack for this location or just delete some of the photos by tapping and clicking the refresh icon on the bottom part of this app.
Finding Flickr Photos In Different Locations
- UINavigationController
- UICollectionViews
- Swift
- API's
- Cocoapod Library
- Extensions
To install, download the project and open the Virtual- Tourist.xcworkspace Tourist.xcworkspace file in XCode version 10.1+ Follow the steps below to install the CocoaPods dependencies.
Fist, make sure you have cocoapods installed
'gem install cocoapods'
'cd /whatever/directory/theproject/isin/Virtual-Tourist'
run this to install the dependencies
'pod install'
XCode version 10.1+
Apple Swift version 4.2.1