The program has been writing in MATLAB. The program does some data mining stuff on f-MRI data. Since, github has a threshold on upload size so I haven't uploaded the data set. The data set is available by sending an email to [email protected].
The main file of the project is "newmain.m" with "ncuts.m" being a function for calculating normalized cuts in the graph. "maximalCliques.m" and "jaccardsimilarity.m" are some auxillary functions.
run the script by typing "newmain" in command prompt of MATLAB.
The output provides following information :
- graph energy
- Layer1 and Layer 2 cosine similarity
- Layer 1 and Layer 2 euclidean similarity
- Layer 1 and Layer 2 jaccard similarity
- Layer 1 and Layer 2 Modularity Minimization using Girvan Model.
On executing the programs you will see 20 plots. Please consider only heat map for your analysis.