Splits a commands file into multiple qsub files.
Python program that given a set of commands in one file, will split it in to multiple qsub files, which can then be submitted to run all parallel at once
1.1 Prerequisite: Need to have python 2.7.3 or later version installed and add python to your PATH variable (Usually already done as part of python installation)
1.2 Change directory to where you downloaded the code
1.3 Simply run python setup.py install
if you want to install globally or
simply run python setup.py install --user
if you want to install for the local user.
If you have never installed another python module before or you do not have python setuptools
simply run python install.py
, which will use ez_setup.py to bootstrap the right version of the package installer tooling for you.
1.4 For usage information, simply run splitqsub -h
after installation as above or
simply run python splitqsub/split_qsub.py -h
if you want to try without installing.
usage: split_qsub.py [-h] [--version] -commandsFile CMD_FILE -headerFile HEADER_FILE
[-footerFile FOOTER_FILE]
[-numlines NUM_LINES]
[-qsubFilePrefix QSUB_PREFIX]
[-outDir OUTDIR]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-commandsFile CMD_FILE
Commands File that has to be split into multiple qsub
-headerFile HEADER_FILE
Header file that contains the header with replaceable
fields to be included in all qsub files
-footerFile FOOTER_FILE
Footer file that contains the footer to be included in
all qsub files
-numlines NUM_LINES Splits every given number of lines default (1) into a
separate qsub file
-qsubFilePrefix QSUB_PREFIX
Specify Commands File that has to be split into
multiple qsub files
-outDir OUTDIR Output Directory (Default=. (current directory))
1.5 Script to submit all the generated qsub files. You can simply run submit_qsub.sh
or splitqsub/submit_qsub.sh
for filename in ./*.qsub; do
qsub "$filename"
SplitQsub is developed by Solaiappan Manimaran.
Department of Biostatistics
School of Public Health
Boston University
801 Massachusetts Avenue 3rd Floor
Boston, MA 02118