- Install Xcode (directly from https://developer.apple.com/download/more or using the App Store).
- Clone the project from GitHub:
git clone --recursive -j8 https://github.com/TelegramMessenger/Telegram-iOS.git
- Download Bazel 4.0.0
mkdir -p $HOME/bazel-dist
cd $HOME/bazel-dist
curl -O -L https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/download/4.0.0/bazel-4.0.0-darwin-x86_64
mv bazel-* bazel
Verify that it's working
chmod +x bazel
./bazel --version
- Adjust configuration parameters
mkdir -p $HOME/telegram-configuration
cp -R build-system/example-configuration/* $HOME/telegram-configuration/
- Modify the values in
- Replace the provisioning profiles in
with valid files
- (Optional) Create a build cache directory to speed up rebuilds
mkdir -p "$HOME/telegram-bazel-cache"
- Build the app
python3 build-system/Make/Make.py \
--bazel="$HOME/bazel-dist/bazel" \
--cacheDir="$HOME/telegram-bazel-cache" \
build \
--configurationPath="$HOME/telegram-configuration" \
--buildNumber=100001 \
- (Optional) Generate an Xcode project
python3 build-system/Make/Make.py \
--bazel="$HOME/bazel-dist/bazel" \
--cacheDir="$HOME/telegram-bazel-cache" \
generateProject \
--configurationPath="$HOME/telegram-configuration" \
It is possible to generate a project that does not require any codesigning certificates to be installed: add --disableProvisioningProfiles
python3 build-system/Make/Make.py \
--bazel="$HOME/bazel-dist/bazel" \
--cacheDir="$HOME/telegram-bazel-cache" \
generateProject \
--configurationPath="$HOME/telegram-configuration" \
--disableExtensions \
7.Replace the submodules,Main Bazel build file and Resources folders from this project into your final cloned project