Mod to automatically transfer all parts from your Inventory to the Warehouse. Also, works in the Barn and Junkyard; including automatically moving all junk to the shopping cart.
- This mod allows the user to move all items in their Inventory to the selected Warehouse with one press of a key (K).
- When viewing a Junk stash in the Barn or Junkyard, the same key (K) will move all the Junk to the Shopping Cart/Summary screen.
- The user can also press a different key (L) and move all the Junk stashes from the Barn or Junkyard to the Shopping Cart/Summary screen.
- ** You still have to pay for the items at the Barn or Junkyard. **
- Updated SceneName checks to account for "custom" scenes (i.e. Warehouse Garage Expansion).
- K: Move all items from Inventory/Warehouse/Junk/Cart tab to opposite tab in Inventory screens.
- L: ONLY WORKS IN BARN AND JUNKYARD. Move all the Junk from all the stashes to the Shopping Cart/Summary screen (works in reverse now).
- -: Press This Key to set the condition percentage lower by 10%. This value is saved to MinPartCondition value below on exit.
- =: Press This Key to set the condition percentage higher by 10%. This value is saved to MinPartCondition value below on exit.
- TransferAllItemsAndGroups: K
- TransferEntireJunkyardOrBarn: L
- SetPartConditionLower: -
- SetPartConditionHigher: =
- MinPartCondition: 0
- MinNumOfItemsWarning: 500
- TransferByCategory: true
- TransferPartsOnlyAtBarnOrJunkyard: false
- TransferMapsOrCasesOnlyAtBarnOrJunkyard: false
- Install MelonLoader 0.5.7 (MelonLoader.Installer.exe recommended)
- Download .zip from Files page
- Unzip the TransferAll.dll file to Car Mechanic Simulator 2021\Mods folder
- Default Folder: \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Car Mechanic Simulator 2021\Mods\
- View Issues Section
Thanks to the following developers for sharing their source code (in no particular order):
Thanks to the following developer for advice and responses to my questions: