This project implements a React component that basically renders a text input field with auto-completion.
The component is implemented in two ways:
#1 - AutoComplete.js - Component Flow
- This one is wrapper around the main
component. - The data is fetched from an API in the
component and is passed toAutoComplete
component asprops
. - Entire data from the API is fetched all at once, and
component filters the result. - I created a fake API using in order to populate my component with dummy data.
- You can access the dummy data here.
#2 - AutoSuggestions.js - Component Flow
- This component calls the API based on the input given by the user.
- The API accepts a query parameter
which holds the query's input value. - I am using Reddit's Search API for this component.
- When items are being fetched, we show
message to the user. - Once the response comes from the API, all strings from the response are displayed in the list.
- The strings are displayed in the same order they arrive from the API call.
- In order to avoid sending too many requests i.e, we do not want to send requests on every keypress!
- So, we
the requests with a time-out of500 ms
. - When items are being fetched, no request has been sent or endpoint has returned zero items, the component will not be re-rendered.
- React.js for creating interactive and component based UIs.
- Node.js for setting up the application environment.
- React Hooks for handling states and react features without creating a class.
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.