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Mansoor Barri edited this page Jan 5, 2025 · 4 revisions


  • Make a new hugo site
hugo new site {sitename}
  • Clone the theme in themes folder
cd {sitename}
git clone themes/glim-midnight

or you can use submodule if you already have GitHub repository for your website

git init
git submodule add themes/glim-midnight
  • Copy examplesite/hugo.toml files to your project
  • Open hugo.toml and edit as per your liking.


baseURL = ""
languageCode = "en-us"
theme = "glim-midnight"

    title = "Glim Midnight"
    phrases = ["Hugo", "Dark", "Minimal", "Responsive"]
    links = [
    {name = "Github", url = ""},    
    {name = "Wiki", url = ""},    
    {name = "Author", url = "", newTab = true},
    {name = "Hugo", url = ""},    
    backgroundVideo = "bg.mp4"
    footer = "Made with ❤️ by <a href='' target='_blank'>Mansoor Barri</a>"

Variables you should/can change

  • baseURL: URL of your website.
  • title: this title will be shown as tab name and as <h1> on this website.
  • phrases: these are the words which are animated under the main title.
  • links: these are the links you want to add, you have to mention the name & the url where the button will lead to. Additionally, you can add newTab = true if you want the link to open in the new tab. by default, it will open the link in the same tab.
  • backgroundVideo: will add a video to your background. The video should be in /static/ and can be linked in the config as /{filename}
  • backgroundImage: will add a image in the background. The image should be in /static/ and can be linked in the config as /{filename}
  • footer: this will show in the footer of the page

Things to note

  • If you want to add your email in one as one of the links, add “mailto:” before the email address in url something like this:
{name = "Email", url = "mailto:[email protected]"},
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