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Quiz Application

This project is a backend application for a quiz platform, allowing users to register, log in, and answer questions in a quiz format. The backend is implemented with Node.js, MongoDB, and it includes user authentication, token management.

User-friendly Interface: Easy-to-navigate quiz format. Timed Questions: Option to add time limits to questions. Score Calculation: Automatically calculates and displays the score upon quiz completion.

Project Structure

  • routes: Contains application routes.
  • controllers: Contains logic for handling quiz data.
  • models: Defines data structure (if using a database).
  • middleware: Middleware functions for request processing.
  • config: Contains utility functions and configurations for the project.


  • User Authentication: Allows users to sign in, and admins can also log in with specific privileges.
  • Token Management: Uses JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for user authentication and Redis for session management.
  • Quiz Functionality: CRUD operations for questions and answers, with role-based access (admin, user).
  • Data Storage: MongoDB for storing user and quiz data, Redis for caching session tokens.


  • Backend: Node.js, Express
  • Database: MongoDB (Mongoose)
  • Token Management: JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  • Logging: Custom logging using Winston
  • Encrypt/Decrypt using crypto-js


Node.js: Ensure you have Node.js installed. You can download it here. npm: Node Package Manager is required to install dependencies.


Clone the repository:

cd project-quiz-app

Install dependencies:

npm install

Set up environment variables:

Create a .env file in the ./config/ directory and configure the following or use .env.example:

-MONGO_ATLAS= your mongo atlas url

Running the Application

To start the server, run:

npm run server

Docker build

sudo docker build -t quiz-app .

Run docker image

    sudo docker run -p 2500:2500 quiz-app

This will launch the application at http://localhost:2500 by default.

Usage API Endpoints

User Authentication:
    POST /user/signin - Sign in as a regular user
    POST /admin/signin -Sign in as a regular  admin.
    POST /admin/signup - Sign up as a new admin.
    POST /user/signup -Signup in as a regular user
Quiz Management:
    GET /user/question/all - Get all questions (user-admin).
    GET /admin/question/all - Get all questions (admin-admin).
    POST /questions - Add a new question (admin-only).
    DELETE /questions/ - Delete a question by body (admin-only).
Answering Quiz:
    POST /user/answer/submit - Submit answers for a quiz.


Feel free to fork this repository and submit pull requests. For major changes, please open an issue to discuss what you'd like to change.


This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License.


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