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This idea was born because of the need for a simple tool in order to automate the execution of simple log analysis obtained from Nokia SROS routers. The tool reads the content of a log in txt or json format, parses only pre defined variables and does the comparison, thus verifying if there are changes in such variables . The logs are generated by the use of taskAutom.


System Libraries

These libraries have been tested under Ubuntu 20.04 and Python3.8.

sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt


You can run logAnalyzer directly from the CLI using Python. However, compiling improves performance.

python3 -m nuitka

Compiling has been tested succesfully under Ubuntu. Don't know if this is directly supported under Windows. If it fails, let me know. Nevertheless, as mentioned, you can run logAnalyzer_win directly from the CLI using Python


The program needs two mandatory inputs:

  • a folder which contains the parsing templates, either in textFSM or ttp format;
  • a folder, which contains the logs obtained a router, via taskAutom. Though not mandatory, taskAutom is suggested as a way of obtaining the logs, because these can be stored in a json file.


The templates are stored by default under the Templates/ folder. logAnalyzer reads either the CSV or the template folder to perform the function of parsing.

Inside each template file, one can include control variables. Also, some mandatory comments are needed.

- Mandatory

#Command: /show router bgp summary

The above is neede in each template file to let logAnalyzer know which command we are trying to parse. We could use some variables as well, suche as #Command: /show router \S+ interface.

- Optional

#filterAction:exclude or include-only

These are control keywords. The control keyword #filterAction allows only the actions exclude or include-only. This will modify the resulting columns of the report. The resulting columns sholud be declared under the control keyword #filterColumns.

The keyword #majorDown allows us to declared a number of template-specific keywords that logAnalyzer will look for when processing the outputs. So, for example, if our output should be considerd as down when the string connect is seen, then connect should be placed in #majorDown.


It is possible to use a CSV file, that includes the specific templates to be used in the analysys.


If omitted, all the templates insisde the templates folder, will be used.


If logAnalyzer is invoked only with option -pre, reads the specific content in the log folder for a given command and then saves the results in an Excel report. We need to specify format of the logs, either -json yes|no and also the parsing engine, either -te textFSM|ttp. Also, the folder where the templates are located, with -tf Folder.

$ python3 -csv templateExample.csv -pre folderLogs/ -json yes -te ttp -tf TemplatesTTP/

<_io.TextIOWrapper name='Templates/nokia_sros_show_service_sdp-using.template' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
#####Plantillas Cargadas Exitosamente#####
#########Logs Cargados Exitosamente#########
ROUTER_EXAMPLE_rx.txt nokia_sros_show_service_sdp-using.template
Saving Excel

On the other hand, if logAnalyzer is invoked with folder -pre and -post, it compares the content of pre and post log folders, such as if we run checks to see the status of the routers before and after a task, and then saves the results in an Excel report.

$ python3 -csv templateExample.csv -pre folderLogsBefore/ -post folderLogsAfter/ -json yes --te textFSM -tf TemplatesFSM/

<_io.TextIOWrapper name='Templates/nokia_sros_show_service_sdp-using.template' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
#####Plantillas Cargadas Exitosamente#####
#########Logs Cargados Exitosamente#########
#########Logs Cargados Exitosamente#########
ROUTER_EXAMPLE_rx.txt nokia_sros_show_service_sdp-using.template
ROUTER_EXAMPLE_rx.txt nokia_sros_show_service_sdp-using.template
Saving Excel

Configuration Options

logAnalyzer can be configured through CLI as shown below.

$ python3 -h
usage: PROG [options]

Log Analysis

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -pre PREFOLDER, --preFolder PREFOLDER
                        Folder with PRE Logs. Must end in "/"
  -post POSTFOLDER, --postFolder POSTFOLDER
                        Folder with POST Logs. Must end in "/"
                        CSV with list of templates names to be used in parsing. If the file is omitted, then all the templates inside --templateFolder, will be considered for parsing. Default=None.
  -json {yes,no}, --formatJson {yes,no}
                        logs in json format: yes or no. Default=yes.
                        Folder where templates reside. Used both for PRE and POST logs. Default=Templates/
                        If set, use this folder of templates for POST logs. Default=Templates/
  -te {ttp,textFSM}, --templateEngine {ttp,textFSM}
                        Engine for parsing. Default=textFSM.
  -ri {name,ip,both}, --routerId {name,ip,both}
                        Router Id to be used within the tables in the Excel report. Default=name.
  -v, --version         Version


Parse and Compare Router Log Data from TaskAutom Tool








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Contributors 3

