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@1ec5 1ec5 released this 11 Jan 21:53
· 299 commits to master since this release

Changes since v0.30.0:


  • Renamed MapboxDirections.swift to Mapbox Directions for Swift. The CocoaPods pod is now named MapboxDirections, matching the module name. (#400)
  • This library now requires a minimum deployment target of iOS 10.0 or above, macOS 10.12.0 or above, tvOS 10.0 or above, or watchOS 3.0 or above. Older operating system versions are no longer supported. (#379)
  • Swift is now required to directly use public types and methods defined by this library. If your application is written in Objective-C or Cocoa-AppleScript, you need to implement your own wrapper in Swift that bridges to Objective-C. (#382)
  • This library now depends on Turf. (#382)

Error handling

  • The RouteCompletionHandler and MatchCompletionHandler closures’ error argument is now a DirectionsError instead of an NSError. (#382)
  • Classes such as Route, Match, and RouteStep conform to the Codable protocol, so you can create instances of them from JSON-formatted Data using JSONDecoder and round-trip them back to JSON using JSONEncoder. Malformed input now throws decoding errors instead of crashing by unwrapping nils. (#382)

Visual instructions

  • Removed the Lane class in favor of storing an array of LaneIndications directly in the Intersection.approachLanes property. (#382)
  • Removed the ComponentRepresentable protocol, VisualInstructionComponent class, and LaneIndicationComponent class in favor of a VisualInstruction.Component enumeration that contains a VisualInstruction.Component.TextRepresentation and/or VisualInstruction.Component.ImageRepresentation, depending on the type of component. (#382)
  • Added the VisualInstruction.Component.ImageRepresentation.imageURL(scale:format:) method for fetching images with scales other than the current screen’s native scale or formats other than PNG. (#382)

Other changes

  • Removed support for Mapbox Directions API v4. (#382)
  • Replaced the MBDefaultWalkingSpeed, MBMinimumWalkingSpeed, and MBMaximumWalkingSpeed constants with CLLocationSpeed.normalWalking, CLLocationSpeed.minimumWalking, and CLLocationSpeed.maximumWalking, respectively.
  • Replaced the Route.coordinates property with Route.shape and the RouteStep.coordinates property with RouteStep.shape. The Route.coordinateCount and RouteStep.coordinateCount properties have been removed, but you can use the LineString.coordinates property to get the array of CLLocationCoordinate2Ds. (#382)
  • RouteLeg.source and RouteLeg.destination are now optional. They can be nil when the RouteLeg object is decoded individually from JSON. (#382)
  • Removed TransportType.none, ManeuverType.none, and ManeuverDirection.none. Unrecognized TransportType and ManeuverDirection values now raise decoding errors. (#382)
  • RouteStep.maneuverType is now optional. (#382)
  • Renamed the Tracepoint.alternateCount property to Tracepoint.countOfAlternatives. (#382)
  • The Intersection.approachIndex and Intersection.outletIndex properties are now optional, not −1, in the case of a departure or arrival maneuver. (#393)
  • Added initializers for Route, Match, RouteLeg, and RouteStep. (#393)
  • Various properties of Route, RouteLeg, and RouteStep are now writable. (#393)
  • Added AttributeOptions.maximumSpeedLimit for getting maximum posted speed limits in the RouteLeg.segmentMaximumSpeedLimits property. (#367)
  • Added the RouteLeg.segmentRangesByStep property for more easily associating RouteSteps with the values in segment-based arrays such as RouteLeg.segmentCongestionLevels. (#367)

Documentation is available online or within Xcode.