Directory scripts
contains shell scripts:
- - manually test SLAM with TurtleBot
- - manually test navigation with TurtleBot
- - tests sending multiple goals, time based
- - tests publishing markers, time based
- - script for the final project with custom robot
Before executing, please navigate to the workspace directory and run following commands:
source /opt/kinetic/setup.bash
source devel/setup.bash
Package with robot description files, costmap and planner configuration.
roslaunch my_robot world.launch
roslaunch my_robot amcl.launch
Detects and follows a white object in the camera field of view.
roslaunch ball_chaser ball_chaser.launch
Uses a service server for robot velocity requests and publishes /cmd_vel
based on received data.
Subscribes to /camera/rgb/image_raw
topic, searches for white object in the field of view and sends velocity requests to the drive_bot
node in order to follow the object.
Sends two goals (pick up zone and drop off zone) for the robot to reach with 5 second intervals.
WORK IN PROGRESS - not required for the project.
Subscribes to visual marker topic and sends navigation goal based on the marker.
Publishes a marker at the pickup zone, after 5 seconds removes the marker. Then after another 5 seconds publishes a marker at the drop off zone.
Publishes a marker at pick up zone. Then remvoes the marker once the robot arrives to the zone. Waits 5 seconds. Once the robot reaches the drop off zone, publishes a marker in that location.
Package with map files and world description files.
Package with RViz configuration files - note camelCase is used only to meet project requirement
Following external packages were added to the projects:
- pgm_map_creator
- slam_gmapping
- teleop_twist_keyboard
- turtlebot
- turtlebot_interactions
- turtlebot_simulator