CS50x is online version of Harvard's introductory course on computer science (course website). The repository contains my solutions to the course assignments. Some parts of the programs are boilerplates provided by the course.
Program requests a number from user and determines whether it is a valid ceridt card number.
Determine the reading level of a text according to Coleman-Liau index
Implements a program for (de)ciphering text with substitution cipher.
The program simulates a plurality vote election
The program simulates a Tideman election
Implments a program that applies filters (greyscale, reflection, blur and edges) to BMPs
Implements a program that recovers JPEGs from a forensic image
Implements a spell-checker
Reimplements credit.c in Python
Reimplements readability.c in Python
Implements a program that identifies a person based on their DNA
Set of SQL queries to answer questions about IMDB database
Implement a program to import student data into a database, and then produce a class roster
Imports data from a CSV spreadsheet
Prints a list of students for a given house in alphabetical order