- Python3
- minimap2
- nanopolish
- SAMtools
This pipeline is thought to run in CNAG cluster.
It uses module system
to load every tool that is need in each step. Feel free to change Snakefile to fit it each step to you needs.
If you install every tool in your path, you can comment each ^module
- Fast5 files unzipped
- Reference indexed by
samtools index
or bgzipped - Fastq.gz files
prepareData.py \
-f /path/to/fastq/*gz \
-5 /path/to/fast5/folder \
-r /path/to/reference.fa \
-s /path/to/sequence_summary.txt \
-o /path/to/output/folder > file.config.json
If your fast5 files are multisequence, avoid sequence_summary file parameter.
is forced tofalse
It depends on your system. As an example, in our cluster we run in this way:
snakemake \
-s snakemake_nanometh/Snakefile \
--jobs 999 \
--nt \
--configfile file.config.json \
--cluster 'Snakemake-CNAG/sbatch-cnag.py {dependencies}' \
Times and threads are set up for our cluster's configuration.
Feel free to change the code or use a configuration file to change resources per each rule.
If you don't want to change the code, you can use de run.default.cnf file.
CNAG's Snakemake cluster submitter wrapper script is at https://github.com/jesgomez/Snakemake-CNAG