This is a tool which track the "Origin" folder for creation event files and for each new file the program will move the file to the "Destination" folder organised by creation date. The program geneate the subfolders structure in the format "yyyy/mm/" all in numeric values. The program tries always to read the EFIX metadata information, if it is not available the file creation date is used instead.
- Create folder app folder
mkdir ~/archbot
cd ~/archbot
- Download the ToolBox.jar into the ~/archbot
wget ""
- Give permissions
chmod 764 ToolBox.jar
There are two ways to run this tool.
i. Directly run with the command as follows:
1 = origin folder to listen for create events
2 = destination folder where to store files organised by subfolders year/month/day
3 = log file name
nohup java -jar toolsbox.jar $1 $2 > $3.log 2>&1 &
------ TODO: to be reviewed and updated for systemctl instead of init.d ------ ii. Setup a background service.
- Download
wget ""
- Copy "arcbot-xxx" file into /etc/init.d/
- Edit the file and replace xxx by the instance name
- Setup the origin and destination folder locations
- Enable the service
sudo update-rc.d arcbot-iphoneMare defaults
Notes: The origin folder should be the folder used with 'btsync' to sync photos from a mobile device. The destination folder only needs default ACL group permissions to enable enable admin tools of the Single File PHP Gallery (detailed below)
Set ACL default folder group permissions
sudo apt-get install acl
sudo chmod 774 /..../FamilyPhotos
setfacl -dm u::rwx,g::rwx,o::r /..../FamilyPhotos/
And use the command "getfacl -a /..../FamilyPhotos/" to verify
Use these steps to setup Sync version 2.x.x Official btsync packages
For Arcbot setup
- Add btsync user to the current user group.
sudo usermod -a -G pi btsync
# Check with:
groups pi
- Edit the Btsync config file "/etc/btsync/config.json" and edit lines as follows:
"webui" :
"listen" : "",
"login" : "admin",
"password" : "xxxx"
NOTE: Add a password for the admin web GUI
- Restart the btsync service
sudo service btsync restart
Open a browser window to "http://hostIpAddress:8888" . Enter user and password.
Install the mobile Sync application in the devices.
Link the mobile devices photo galleries to the "Origin" folder. The simple way is to get the folder key from the mobile device and add a new folder with the web GUI.
6.1. In the mobile Sync app open settings, Advanced settings and activate the swtich "Copy keys instead of links". 6.2. Go to Folders, Camera backup folder Devices and click button share to copy the Key. 6.3. Send an email to oneself with the key. 6.4. From the backup system machine, open a browser and load the email. 6.5. Copy key from email. 6.6. Open the web GUI and Add the key with a folder location.
From SFPG this is a simple and powerful PHP script to view the synced photos with the browser. It is perfect as a light weight photo gallery tool.
In "src/main/resources/photoGallery" there is a copy of this script with some adaptations for this Arcbot solution. All details for full detailed configuration is in the "src/main/resources/photoGallery"
NOTE: !! Check SQPG requirements and use the test script to validate a correct installation. !!!
For Arcbot and Btsync setup
- Create Symlink called "/images" towards the photos repository location and another one "_sfpg_data" to a temporal folder with write permissions for the user www-data.
sudo ln -s /..../Photos /images
sudo ln -s /..../photoGalleryThumbs /_sfpg_data
Copy the "index.php" file to "/var/www/photos/"
Add "www-data" user to current user group. i.e
usermod -a -G pi www-data
The current user needs at least read permissions for images folder.
- Edit "index.php" and add a security phrase.
define('SECURITY_PHRASE', 'xxxx');
- Arrange permissions so that www-data user can read and write and review the "src/main/resources/photoGallery" for further configuration.
Example /var/www/photos configuration:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 pi www-data 34 Apr 9 23:26 images -> /..../Photos
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi www-data 107041 Apr 9 23:26 index.php
-rw-r--r-- 1 pi www-data 70462 Apr 9 23:26 readme.txt
lrwxrwxrwx 1 pi www-data 32 Apr 9 23:26 _sfpg_data -> /..../photoGalleryThumbs/
Setup a web serve instance service pages from /var/www
i.e Lighttpd Installation details: Lighttpd installation
These are basic steps for the Arcbot setup.
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk