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A Debian 12, XFCE4 and LightDM setup for everyday life. In a dark theme, with a custom panel, extra keyboard shortcuts and handy programs.


Clone the sources in Debian 12.

git clone
cd debian-daily-driver

Or download the release tarball.

curl -L \
  | tar zxvp -C .
cd debian-daily-driver-0.3.0

In a freshly installed system run bash It will give sudo rights to the current user, and update and reboot the system. will configure everything else.



Log in to the desktop if you have not done it already.

Open the menu with Super + Return, anything you type will filter the application list. There are buttons to access the Settings Manager, to lock the session and to log out.

The Application Finder is assigned to Super + Space, it will also filter the application list as you type.

And there is a collapsed version assigned to Super + Alt.

Other useful shortcuts are:

  • Super + T opens a terminal.
  • Super + E opens the file explorer.
  • Super + W opens the web browser.
  • Super + F opens a file search.
  • Super + D toggles the desktop.
  • Super + P opens the display settings.
  • Super + S opens the settings manager.
  • Super + K kills the next clicked window.
  • Super + L locks the session.
  • Super + Esc opens the Log Out menu.
  • Super + Up tiles a window to the top.
  • Super + Down tiles a window to the bottom.
  • Super + Left tiles a window to the left.
  • Super + Right tiles a window to the right.
  • Super + 1 tiles a window to the top-left.
  • Super + 2 tiles a window to the top-right.
  • Super + 3 tiles a window to the bottom-left.
  • Super + 4 tiles a window to the bottom-right.
  • Super + 9 maximises a window.
  • Super + 0 hides a window.
  • Super + BackSpace closes a window.
  • Super + Ctrl + Left moves a window to the previous workspace.
  • Super + Ctrl + Right moves a window to the next workspace.
  • Super + Ctrl + 1 to 9 moves a window to the workspace number.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Left switches to the previous workspace.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Right switches to the next workspace.
  • Ctrl + Alt + 1 to 9 switches to the workspace number.
  • Ctrl + Alt + A adds a workspace.
  • Ctrl + Alt + D deletes the last workspace.
  • Alt + Tab cycles between windows.

Most of the settings, including these shortcuts, can be configured through the applications in the "Settings" and the "System" categories of the menu.


The issue tracker intends to manage and compile bugs, enhancements, proposals and tasks. Reading through its material or reporting to its contributors via the platform is strongly recommended.


This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and to certain syntax conventions defined in .editorconfig. To get a list of changes refer to the CHANGELOG. Only branches prefixed by feature-, hotfix-, or release- will be considered:

  • Fork the project.
  • Create your new branch: git checkout -b feature-my-feature develop
  • Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Added my new feature.'
  • Push the branch: git push origin feature-my-feature
  • Submit a pull request.


Created by Marc B. Perez and maintained by its author and contributors.


This project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.