is a finite/hierarchical state machine framework written in Objective-C for iOS. The framework can be used to implement UML state diagrams.
The documentation/examples is currently insufficient - sorry. I have plans to make a demo where some button on the UI can be used to generate events.
The framework is developed based on my needs and currently I have identified the following supported and unsupported features:
- Events
- States
- Extended states (state variables)
- Transitions
- Regular
- Default
- Initial
- Internal
- Self
- Actions
- Entry
- Exit
- Transition
- Guards
- After (timeout)
- Orthogonal regions
- External transitions
- Deferred events
- Deep history
- Shallow history
The framework has iOS traces that are written to the Xcode Target Output. Example:
Starting machine: Machine
Initial transition started: • -> MyStateA
MyStateA entered
MyStateA entryAction
Initial transition completed
Machine started
EventWithoutData with object (null) catched by MyStateA
Transition started: MyStateA -> MyStateB
MyStateA exitAction
MyStateA exited
MyStateB entered
Default transition: MyStateB -> MyStateB1
MyStateB1 entered
Transition completed
EventWithNumber: with object 5 catched by MyStateB1
EventWithDictionary: with object { key = 4; } catched by MyStateB1
The state hierarchy is solved lazily at run-time.
The framework is based on a C-version I made in April 2005.