BacArena is an agent based modeling framework for cellular communities.
Existing genome-scale metabolic models can be used to simulate growth and interactions in time and space. In BacArena two well established methods are merged: a) Flux balance analysis to predict the activity of metabolic reactions and b) Agent based modelling in order to provide an environment.
It has been efficiently implemented in R language (with some C++ routines) and is freely available CRAN.
- Each organism is represented individually
- Simulation of >10 different species and thousands of organisms on your desktop computer
- Diffusion of substances
- Screening of phenotypes
- Detection of crossfeeding
- Chemotaxis
- Kinetics of reactions
- Separation of simulation and evaluation
- Rich evaluation methods (data mining)
- Reproducible simulations
- Object oriented implementation
- Easily expandable due to rule based approach
- Install the latest CRAN release:
- Install the development version:
Special hints for linux user:
- glpk header files needed, e.g. for debian install package:
- glpk header files needed, e.g. for debian install package:
Special hints for windows user:
- sybilSBML is needed for SBML input
- currently sybilSBML is not available on CRAN because the CRAN test servers do not have the latest version of libsbml yet
- manual installation of sybilSBML (for linux):
R CMD INSTALL sybilSBML_3.0.5.tar.gz
- A tutorial is available: Introduction
- Short tutorials are on github gist
Please report bugs, disorders or features you would like to see: Issues