lua-jet is a Jet daemon and peer implementation written in Lua.
$ git clone
$ cd jet
$ sudo luarocks make rockspecs/jet-scm-1.rockspec
$ jetd.lua
$ cd lua-jet
$ lua example/some_service.lua
Radar is a web application that gives you access to a Jet bus.
$ sudo luarocks install orbit
$ git clone
$ cd radar
$ ./simple_webserver.lua
Watch Your Jet Bus on Your local Radar.
For general information, visit the Jet Homepage. Look at the, the examples or the busted test spec files.
To run the tests, busted with finally support needs to be installed:
$ git clone
$ cd busted
$ git checkout add-finally
$ ./try
If all is in place, run the tests from within the lua-jet dir like this:
$ busted spec