Markus Bauer , Romy Harzer , Katharina Strobl and Johannes Kollmann
Data and code for:
Bauer M, Harzer R, Strobl K, Kollmann J (2018) Resilience of riparian vegetation after restoration measures on River Inn. – River Research and Applications 34, 451–460.
Study region: River Inn around Wasserburg
Data: the folder
contains- The raw and processed data files of the vegetation surveys, site conditions, and functional plant traits (.csv)
Outputs: the folder
contains- The figures (.tiff) generated.
R: the folder
contains- Scripts (.R) for statistical analyses and to generate all figures used in the manuscript.
The used versions of R and the packages are saved in 2018_riverbank_vegetation_river_inn/renv.lock
You can restore this state by executing renv::restore()
in the console.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
When using the data available in this repository, please cite the original publication and the dataset.
Bauer M, Harzer R, Strobl K, Kollmann J (2018) Resilience of riparian vegetation after restoration measures on River Inn. – River Research and Applications 34, 451–460.
Bauer M, Harzer R, Strobl K, Kollmann J (2022) Data and code for Bauer et al. (2018) Riv Res Appl (v1.1.0) [Data set]. – Zenodo.
Contact [email protected] for any further information.